
Stefon is amazing, and Herb Welch was always hilarious. But you’re telling me he wrote “What’s Wrong With Tanya”, which might be my favorite SNL sketch of the decade?

I’m really struggling to come up with a series finale that stuck the landing as well as this show did. Six Feet Under and The Shield both come to mind, but I think this episode (or episodes) has them beat.

Haley’s review of Star Trek: Generations was succinct, hilarious and spot-on.

Cheap? I feel like each episode of this show has a higher budget than Dog Day Afternoon had. For one thing, Dog Day Afternoon didn’t have to recreate the 70s from scratch. They were right there out the door.

I’m going to be processing this one for a bit, so lets try a tangent instead:

“I freefall twenty feet down, I land ass-up on a pool raft with my pink pocket and my stink rocket on full display in the middle of Danny Randall’s pool party.”