Carmen Carmen Carmen

He’s too damn cute. Please, tell us more.

Ellen looks so sharp in that white suit and that blue shirt. I love it!

I like her duds.

The dust is the one thing keeping me away. Also, that all of my Burner friends are now former Burners. When they were Burners some of them were middle-class and others low income who just saved up for the experience.

Just trying to make myself more mysterious.

I can’t stand the whole “speak English in America” bullshit. There is no official national language! Plus it’s just a cover for racism.

That is an atrocious dress. It looks like she wrapped herself in a fuchsia bed sheet. Shoulders and up she looks fabulous (as usual).

100 stars

I found the age difference in SLP to be incredibly confusing. I’d never read the book so I had no other context, but I had no idea why a 20-ish woman would want to hang out with a guy in his 40’s. (Sorry, I had no idea of BC’s real age and that’s how old he looked to me.) It made absolutely no sense to me.

That would be amazing!

Maybe the table was brought out specifically for the flower cube? Maybe the flower cube doesn’t fit through the doorway of her home?

Yes, I would fuck Seth Rogen. I’d be more interested in watching him fuck Shia LaBeouf though.

Were people planning this? I’m sure Nicki knew she was going to say something and I’m sure Miley expected her to say something (thus her canned response) and I’m sure all of the people in their circles and producing the VMAs expected it. Does that make it staged? I don’t think it was staged in the true sense.

It think it has everything to do with your butt cheeks and your anus. If you make sure you’re seated or standing such that your butt cheeks aren’t close together (they create a tunnel of flesh to reverberate the sound) and you completely relax your anus (so it doesn’t open/close like an assault rifle during the fart)

I fart frequently and when I hold them in then I end up doubled over with stomach cramps. I spent many days in HS with serious stomach pain due to holding them in to avoid embarrassment. As such, I’ll fart pretty early in a relationship. (Let’s say, once we get to the stage where we’re getting naked around each

Reese is not climbing that tree. She’s a fraud, I tell you!

Dude, just tell people you’re gay.

Another co-worker would routinely steam lattes with 2% instead of skim if the customers were rude about their orders, satisfied that they would leave ever-so-slightly fatter.

That said, the background of that photo is fascinating me. It’s so suburban. Or is that how all of the LA area looks? Is it called the LA area? I don’t even know that much.

I’ve been following her for a while since she wrote an article for Cracked and I find her tweets benign and occasionally interesting. I can see how this tweet seems grating if it’s taken alone.