If your man isn’t going to see another woman’s beauty, how the heck is he going to see yours?
If your man isn’t going to see another woman’s beauty, how the heck is he going to see yours?
You are absolutely not to blame for his outrageous behavior. Even if you’d been making overtly flirtatious remarks he still crossed a line that should not be crossed without verbal and physical consent.
(Late to the comments here and I’m in the grays so this is unlikely to be seen.)
Starbucks secret menu items remind me of mixed drinks. If you’re going to order one you should damn well know what goes into it just in case the barista/bartender doesn’t.
I was uncomfortable seeing him shirtless. He looks like he’s sucking in his stomach. Or maybe that’s plastic surgery? I wish there had been a warning before I clicked that link.
I had to check the nanny’s pictures as well and she’s surprisingly similar to Jennifer Garner in terms of face shape and style of attractiveness. (I still find Garner more attractive.) It seems Ben Affleck has a type; it’s not like he went for a nanny who looks like Carey Mulligan.
I was actually going to write in my original comment that some of the rudest people I’ve met are those who live in the suburbs. I speculate that because they can drive everywhere and avoid interacting with (most) strangers they don’t have to be sociable or get along with people they don’t know. (Essentially what you…
After I visited NYC I was surprised by the stereotype. Everyone was very polite and helpful. It wasn’t the same gregariousness that I saw on the West Coast but people were quite nice in a more reserved way.
I was just going to leave a comment about that Fresh Air episode and then I found yours. I was fascinated to learn that vocal fry was prominent in men in other cultures as well. Yet it’s never criticized. It’s definitely a sexist issue.
Of course I notice this the next day: *dead
I could see this being valuable to catalog past communication with a death friend or relative but I imagine that’s less marketable.
I grew up in a state with a lot of hunters. I respect people who regularly hunt and then make use of the meat and the rest of the animal. I don’t respect people who hunt purely for the thrill of taking down a large mammal. I knew someone who worked as a guide - he would take small groups of tourists out and show them…
No mention of the hepatitis vaccines? These rarely seem to be mentioned - are they being given to children now? I didn’t get mine until I was in my 20’s and a doctor mentioned them.
Tobey McGuire is “awful to be around”.
What are Tom’s biggest secrets?
Agree. He is not an attractive man. I didn’t even understand why the question was posed.
At what point does someone’s past no longer become an excuse for present behavior?
It’s one thing to say a 28-year-old looks 22. That can be perceived as complimentary. It’s another to say they look 12 which infantilizes them.
Enough with everyone commenting on how old she looks. Not relevant and frankly it’s a bit insulting.
Thank you! I read that entire article as being about a “bitch”. I’m a terrible and culturally insensitive person.