Carmellio Sampers

Oh for the love of GOD! Stop with the white men shit!! I have watched “Sex and the City” and I’ll take WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, Charlie Rose with an Apple Watch and without any pants or under pants wandering around the studio trying to touch me over that show any day.

Really? I’m not a Trumpie. Please focus on the MESSAGE the MESSAGE not the MESSENGER....

I’m the dipshit? Me? Did you cry like a little baby when Trump won the surprise election? Guess what you will cry again unless you figure out a way to find someone to beat Trump. Now you had that chance back in 2016, you allowed our party to prevent the winner from taking the nomination. Now you are angry at a fellow

That’s the best you can do? Seriously, help find a candidate or keep making your fart noises. Take some responsibility you idiot. You didn’t vote for Trump but by not asking your “party” to find a good candidate and heckling another Democrat ... next time just vote for Trump or stay home or shut the fuck up, for

Okay sure. Thank you. I’m a Democrat. You are a fool.

When we can discuss our problems without reactionary insanity is when we will win. Until then think about your response. 

I’m a lifelong Democrat. Your response is interesting as it shows how utterly brain dead our party’s membership is. Can you not see nearly a decade of strategy blunders? So you react with “Derp derp”* and “Trumpie” So to you I say “React react mindless drone.” and thank you for destroying our party.

I know we are continuing to constantly lose our shit over the whole Trump thing. But the racism, homophobia, transgender phobia, misogynistic, (pro Israel anti semitic I can’t figure that one out) anti environment slinging is bizarre. I’d say Trump is a lot less racist than say the Broadway play Book of Mormon. He’s

I’m sorry you even need a straw to ingest your “coffee style milk and sugar treat” from the giant tit of the corporate entity to which you have attached yourself. An attachment forged not from free choice but from a insidious mind fuck from your corporate overlords.

So the person who wrote this article should know better. First of all there nothing remotely “utterly comforting about the fact that a professional film crew had to stand around taking meticulously set up shots of puppies”, because puppies do not belong on film set for hours at a time being meticulously filmed.

While this story might be funny to some of us because well PENIS, the living organisms wiped out by a climate anomaly not only could be 2/3rds of 7 billion people, but some time in the next two decades will be. So the dick PENIS worms that remain to inherit the earth (and they will) will laugh and laugh at this story

It is so special to me how Kim and Kanye Kris Humphries West are gazing with profound sincerity at the large white Christmas dildos.  

I’m powerless, the powerful people made these decisions and not “everything burns” but “every fucking thing in California is on fire and when it isn’t it’s insolvent, homeless, stuck in traffic or very wealthy.” The powerful people this essay refers to are the parents and grandparents of you. So now it’s up to you to

I love Sasha Velour (as long as she doesn’t self harm, harm others, harm animals or harm fictional literary characters or cartoon characters). But in all honesty “What I want to do with drag is always to create a character that has fluidity and queerness built into it” that is the essence of drag and has always been

Globalization of consumption and culture has created a globe full of cowards. The people of Hong Kong are on their own, will receive little or no meaningful support from a global society of consumption cowards. 

The abortion issue surely has been covered ad nauseum in the comments below and above mine. So whatever I would add here is likely useless other than why are as a nation revisiting settled law? But what is also important about this article is ever fucking resident of the United States who wants to effect change in

Yes the world is scary and unpredictable.

Ann Coulter is a woman, Roy Cohn was so gay that there wasn’t isn’t even a term for how gay he was, Trump is a carny barker whispering to an America that knows professional wrestling is fake but can not stop their response to it as if it is real.

Biggest mistake Democratic leadership has made since running Hillary TWICE, and not fighting Brett Kavanaug on the merits and instead putting all the heavy lifting on an unsympathetic witness.

The “she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter....blah, blah, blah is getting a great deal of play.