Carmellio Sampers

Did we get our fucking drone back? Yes. Are the Chinese testing Trump? Yes. Is it good they get some push back? Yes. Why is it that we push back. Because you all need to go back to work so we can make America great again. Obama not only didn’t make America great again but he made it weak. And you (like in all of you)

Really does any of this matter?

This is a well written analysis on why the Clinton machine came up short in the key battleground state of Michigan. However, many of the points in this article are speculation. We need to wait for Dr. Jill Stein’s official report. Dr. Stein has spent roughly $1 million of her recount donated money on consultants and

I was on my way home from ladies’ night at our mosque and as we walked along the NJ Turnpike, on our way to the exit 10 Metuchen, a pickup truck come up to us and the mens inside of it yell to us “Hey you bitches, how about you take a ride in our truck tonight to some place and you can have some fun.” We to them no,

I tried to watch and love this video so much...but I found that it triggered me regarding my own experiences in numerous ways. So I literally had to stop watching it. But I appreciate what Gaga is trying to do in this example. 

Oh... okay thank you.

We OWE them (he Chinese) NOTHING absolutely NOTHING! Check the fine print on your US of America Debt Securities “I hereby agree to pay the bearer with more IOUs or US of America money bills”, which say on them “I hereby agree to pay the bearer with more IOUS or US of America money bills.” We bought all the crap they

This is why America will never be “Great Again!”

Oh the unlimited choices and joy we USA consumers have access to! Let’s see:

Patti Smith is an industry. She is the mothafucking mother of what most of us have inherited culturally except we are too stupid and culturally illiterate and entitled to understand. If you doubt this assertion go out and purchase 10,000 baby carriages and assemble them in your house all day long for six months or you

What are we to do people? More education? Buy more crap made in China and Mexico and tell ourselves it is “Lexus and the Olive Tree” and that dovetails nicely with our, erroneous belief, in the power of MORE EDUCATION combined with more shopping and eating. Promulgating this message is of course the way a thin margin

America has one fucked up culture.

I think we are all fedup with Management at this point. Management wouldn’t accommodate my disability at the Red Lobster when I specifically stated on numerous occasions that I had a processed cheese deficiency and required extra processed cheese in my Lobster Lovers Mac’n Cheese, this happened back in March. Then

I wonder if the music in the first clip was the opening music for the show Sanford and Son “The Streetbeater” would be more appropriate.

“Because I wanted her reaction as a girl, not as an actress. I wanted her to react humiliated.”—

You know what would be cool? If Secretary Kerry reviewed our agreements with Iran. Long standing policy that is bad, is bad policy. Also it is not Kerry’s place to insert himself in these matters.

Bana Alabed is like a Syrian Anne Frank that Catfished ( her way into our collective hearts. So sad. Good luck little Bana, good luck.

I would remind the EU of its solemn right to “be forgotten” ....

“Fairy Dust,” the film travels through the dark underbelly of the soul: we bear witness to sexual obsession, the agonizing renegotiation of selfhood, and more generally a woman claiming her right to be fucked up....

This reminds me what happened to Kwanzaa?