Carmellio Sampers

In the 1980’s my dad was involved in a case against the New York Mets who were being sued by woman who was hit by a bat and seriously injured. He told me: 1. This happens a lot, so watch where you sit, anything between home and first or home and third on the field level is statistically the worst place to sit, 2. Read

Someone should have said to Emma, a long time ago, “That’s a very nice idea dear, with your performance art and all, but you really should take up pottery.”

Americas overwhelmingly reject trains as a legitimate form of transportation because their lives have been organized, by design, around the automobile. The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 is a notable example of this “by design”. It was sold as part of our Cold War effort (needed to move troops by motor vehicle as

It should be regulated as a bank. Not by a bank. The problem is as stated below. But still needs to be done.

Everything we touch, ingest, play with, masturbate to in our “market” economy is touched by slavery. Put down the iPhone, take off the flip-flops, spit out that coffee or tea drink and start to smell the externalities. Or you could just read bullshit like this… and keep on keeping

I was making tea, in my Toyota Tercel over on Broadway and 50th right in front of the Winter Garden Theater. This cop on horseback comes up behind me and says “Yo! Buddy NO STANDING!” So I yells back, “Hey! I’m not standing! I’m making a fucking cup of Earl Grey Breakfast tea!” So he says “Okay, okay!!” and drives his

His downhomespun style is what gets him the 70 MILLION! views. He making buck and America loves him like they loved Will Rogers or Henry Ford or Andy Rooney or any other lovable crank like that. Most of his viewers cant afford a Mercedes or even one of the spark plugs and they aren't the 1 percent, but they do most of

Isn't methane a very bad greenhouse gas?

OMG! This is so sad. My hearts and minds go out to him and his family.

"I have not been as aroused lately due to some issues outside of our relationship, and it has been a little hard on him." Really! Well guess what he's not been in the relationship lately because you have arousal issues. How does that sound? Oh, and those Ugg boots you still insist on wearing make you look like you

White America remains snug, in their Snuggles and Snuggies and Uggs, listening to Justin Bieber and watching their Kardashians and House Wives of Vanderpump, while their policeses protects them from the Negro and Hispanic hordes. CALL THE POLICE!

Every Christmas there were always kids on my block in Bay Ridge Brooklyn that would get dirt bikes as presents. Then they would speed up and down the block, of course, on Christmas day on there new bikes. By summer the speeding up and down the block would be 24 x 7 until nature would take its course and slowly and