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Well.. I downvoted george bush AND Guy Incognito.. so I guess I'm indifferent?

rap reviews always turn into a pissing contest. for some reason, the audience is ExtrA touchy about differing opinions, and these people are much quicker to start the name-calling. Ought to be fun.

What had to make what list?

That's an opinion I could see agreeing with, or perhaps not agreeing with; either way, I'm really happy that you've told us your thoughts, and you stated them so well! :D

I just realized why I'm not into the rap musicals. I mostly listen to instrumental music. Do the lyrics count as an instrument?

All I did was smoke cigarettes and masturbate.


I responded to this but I guess that, even with asterisks muting the middle letters, it was moderated out. I wanted to make the point that we (as in the societal 'we') give a guy like Eminem slack when he uses homophobic language, even making slight exceptions for "blanket perjoratives" but we only do that with the

Jesus, you're even cornier than I am but you made me LOL.

Hey, your discus account is being weird. Your other name hotterthanjuly is what comes up in notifications. You should probably check that out.

You're still arguing with me? Jeez, I'm not nearly as invested in this as you.

Throwing out a hypothetical situation here, if somebody said they used the word ni**er as a blanket pejorative, that person's career would be finished. The passive attitude our society has toward somebody like Eminem's use of fa**ot is a sign that, big surprise, a lot of people are still insanely homophobic, even if

I don't care for this fellow, he says naughty things.

Yes, boy. You're obviously 12.

Will do, random internet guy.

No, you've got me all wrong. I'm genuinely asking you if those were songs? I thought I was listening to a collection of random noises. Goodness, now that I know that Velvet Underground and David Bowie and Suicide and Can and Kraftwerk are all tasteless bands, I must go out and correct this mistake by getting the new

Really? I thought is was just a bunch of random shit. Those are songs?

Her last record was a disaster, and this doesn't sound like it will be any better. I haven't heard her older records in years. Her political schtick wore out pretty damn fast, huh?

Now you're fun.

I was half trolling, but I do think that Yoko's work is much more adventurous, whereas John's solo work is too ordinary for my tastes. Very fine composition but also rather bland for '70s rock.