
My dad is 73. He has a 2007 Corvette. I had to explain to him why people the highway match his speed (53 in a 55), give a thumbs up and then speed away. He thought they all just liked his car. 

Which wheels come with the car? CP either way.  

Should probably put a flamethrower on there, for safety.  

This totally could have been from a 1983 Neiman Marcus or Hammacher Schlemmer

the key to good bbq is the microwave. gotta put the ribs in there for at least 45 min

nicely filmed and edited. also pointless. 

Bland... But spicy

2nd to last photo:

The keypad for entry. My ‘89 Lincoln Continental had it and it was the best thing on a meh car.  

Michael Cohen owns 100's of medallions. Food for though.

Jay Kay?

I like how they all follow the same format.

Oh, ok. 

SD.  Only SD.  

Make tide pods seem safe

I’m surprised to hear an engineer speak with such passion

we can’t even trust the Enquirer anymore. 

Yes, that's very comforting.  Healing.  It should be a setting on a white noise machine

I knew I wasn’t crazy. 

Call me crazy, but I’ve seen one in Manhattan.