It's.... not a phone
It's.... not a phone
I think launching the SP will work similar to how it works on steam, you can have a desktop shortcut for it, and maybe a separate one for the mp server browser
I don't really see the problem with this =/
Double clicking the icon like on any other game?
I love Atlus so much
Who says shows would be included in the price of Live?
So one new game, a port of a PC game, youtube support (PS3 has youtube support since launch), and Sky TV (which if you already have Sky, you have a cable box anyway) OMG SONY IS TEH DOOMED
Where is the video stating that every single black person talks like that?
I love how every thing you do might be offensive to someone, walking backwards? preacher says walking backwards is devilish! (there's an actual video of that)
You're an example of what the internet calls a "faggot"
You know you can plug hook your computer to a 46" TV right? and that 1920x1080 = 1080?
Really? are you 12 or something? games don't make you fat, inactivity and food makes you fat!
I was actually kidding, but I did seem serious, sorry about that
Woah dude, it took me like 2 minutes to read it too but that doesn't mean I'm dumb >.>
SQEX has been showing trailers for half a decade though
I remember playing CoD4 on the DS, oh god that was awful
In software yeah, but the hardware sales are pretty much on par (considering xbox 360 released one year before the ps3 did) at least Worldwide
Except it's actually good
Now try reading the article