Renault asked if they could take FCA in to their personal mechanic/accountant to be checked out before the deal.
Renault asked if they could take FCA in to their personal mechanic/accountant to be checked out before the deal.
The Renault negotiators told them they had to go talk to the sales manager. Natural response.
I bet they’ll be far more efficient, and still burn oil like the Deepwater Horizon.
So in the military, there is a charge of misbehavior before the enemy. Soldiers that run away or refuse to fight can be discharged, go to prison, or in theory (but not practice) be executed.
Wow, kinda hard to believe that the “arm teachers to solve school shootings” may not have been a fully thought out plan!
Now that former Parkland, FL, cop and Marjory Stoneman Douglas resource office Scot Peterson has been arrested for failing to confront gunman Nicolas Cruz during the 2018 mass shooting
They don't have to lobby. PE firms will take them.
“Hey it worked for Hogan!”
I gather from the beautiful piano music that this thing sounds like ten million angry hornets, and it will be banned in most municipalities as a nuisance tout de suite.
I would assume these things have cameras that act like dash-cams that will record and transmit (live) video and GPS coordinates to a server... Anyone damaging these will likely quickly be visited by law enforcement and receive nasty legal documents threatening legal action if they don’t pay up. Will quickly cure most…
Raised it 47mm, bringing it up to the level of “Damned Low,” a signficant increase from “Scraping Low.”
Edmonton man is way ahead of you with your prototype, hell you don’t even need to jack it up.
approach angle increased by 1%
“Now we have to actually pay people who did work for us. Let’s see if we can get the money we owe by suing a media outlet exposing our horrible behavior.” - Ebony Media Operations, LLC
It may not be apparent looking edge-on, but the important shot is that bottom view. Amazon is now fielding TIE Fighters.
Well, you can make a “both sides” argument for anything, and in fact many people do (antivax, magical sky man, flat Earth, fake Moon landings, etc.), but just because you can make an argument, doesn’t mean there’s an equal chance of both sides being right.
Literally no one here is saying China shouldn’t get their act together too.
There are both sides to climate change! There’s the ‘accepting climate change is real and we’re responsible’ side. And there’s ‘pretending it’s a Chinese Hoax while blithely marching our species to extinction in pursuit of blood money’ side.
Ivanka is excellent Kinja?
“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.