
“But I think now it would be a good time to have meaningful dialogue with that person and express the concerns out there regarding the language on the truck.”

DC is a great place to visit. I’ve lived here off and on for the last 25 years and it never gets boring. So many tips!

Yep, plenty of jobs available but they don’t want to learn new skills or pass a drug test. But yep, the NFL players are spoiled brats

You fail to mention that in Australia, the horses run clockwise around the track.

I think Godzilla speaks for all Nats fans:

It’s technically not a cookbook but I was able to snag the iPhone app version of Mark Bittman’s “How To Cook Everything” for free many moons ago; it’s basically a searchable version of the book and it’s been pretty indispensable for me.

This post is straight bullshit. All of these “brewers formerly known as craft” still brew their beers in the same facilities and in the same way (and probably better, because they can be assisted by the quality labs from the large brewers that own them). And typically, the founders still retain a HUGE amount of

Seriously, this post needs a few edits. The Drive software is leaving, not the service. This article is misleading.

The following is a true story. All of it. I hesitate telling it only because quite a few people have heard it and I run the risk of revealing IheartTurdFerguson’s identity. But Hurling plays a part of the story so here it is:

California Olive Ranch.

California Olive Ranch.