
I have in fact seen someone win the Pyramid, because it was one of the more memorable things I’ve ever seen on a game show. I think the celebrity was Robert Guillaume, and he was the “giver” in the bonus round. They blasted through the first five categories in like 40 seconds; they were doing great. Then the last item

“Tennessee Flaming Thumbtacks” is the one Gregggggg witty team name that I sort of liked, but it’s Gregggggg so to hell with it.

I have been a Nats partial season ticket holder since they moved here in 2005. In 2015, the team had a series of events for those of us who had been in since day one. One such event was a pre-game warning track parade. It was on a Saturday in June. I thought about going, but yeah, I’ve been on the field before, I’d

There’s something to be said for looking like a nerd during team sports, assuming you can actually play. I used to play softball with a lanky, dorky-looking dude who could actually hit like a mofo. Inevitably, on his first at-bat, the outfielders would cheat in, and he would blast one over their heads.

That defender on the near post looks pretty frickin’ cavalier about the whole thing.

Does every episode still feature this:

My take on replay: keep it, but the opposing coach/manager has like FIFTEEN SECONDS to challenge the call. Basically it has to be so obviously blown that you challenge it immediately. None of this bench coach calling the booth bullshit.

Fig Newtons: better than no cookies at all, but only just.

I take the butter from the end, but for corn on the cob, you bet I roll that thing on top of the stick and make a big melted curvy divot.

Boiling a pan of water, then putting it in the bottom of the (cold) oven will work too.

You are not alone and I can’t believe this is even up for discussion

If you are interested in cooking with beer, I strongly recommend scaring up a copy of “Real Beer and Good Eats” by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly. Technically, it’s about pairing beer with food, and provides some history on beer in America and what people eat with beer in different parts of the country. But at least a

A reporter for our RSN that covers the Washington Nationals is named Mark Zuckerman. He often gets angry tweets about the terrible thing Facebook just did, and usually provides humorous public replies.

Another annoying Collinsworth moment from Sunday: that last field goal attempt. He spent a full minute hyping up how hard it was gonna be. Rookie kicker, issues on the holds earlier, New England is gonna try to block it, repeat. And sure, that kick wasn’t a gimmee, but he could have said that once and it would have

[tryng to insert Dana Carvey/John McLaughlin “WRONG” meme but it won’t take]

The Clement TD you could make an argument for, but in what universe is the Ertz TD not good? He caught the ball and took THREE steps before diving and breaking the plane. NFW is that not a score.


“Hell” is German for “bright.” Basically just a golden lager.