
I'm surprised we don't hear the "show confidence in your players" thing brought up in these situations more often. "By kicking here on second down, Coach is telling his offense he doesn't think they can gain any more yards without fucking it up. We'll see how that plays out next week!"

Granted I haven't been to a Braves game in 10 years or so, but when I was there I used option #2, and it wasn't that bad. Five Points is the center station where the two Marta lines cross, so it's not that long of a ride from anywhere on the system. The buses got to the park promptly enough. When the game ended, they

McCarver actually tried to compare this to Fisk's home run on the air. Yeah, it was in Boston, in the playoffs, and the ball was in the general vicinity of the foul pole, but jeez, any excuse to show the Fisk HR.

Nevada's dish should be a big heaping plate of everything from a casino buffet.

Agreed. My main complaint with Olympic gymnastics coverage is that, aside from someone falling, it can be really hard to tell why one routine is better than another. Tim Daggett all yellin' "That was a mistake there!" and I have no idea what he's talking about. So getting a more technical explanation is actually

Bearded guy did make an awesome catch, over the front railing of the third deck.

Super Why is perhaps the best example of someone saying "Let's make an educational, enriching cartoon for children!" but having absolutely no idea of what kids would actually enjoy. Crappy animation, crappy stories, crappy characters, crappy songs. My kids refuse to watch this show, and they'll watch damn near

Concur. I get that there's a distinction between "barbecuing" and "grilling," but there's enough people using them interchangeably that I don't get fired up about it. Personally, if I am cooking with low indirect heat and smoke as a source of heat and flavor, I call that "smoking" anyway. "Hey, I'm gonna smoke a

Re e-mail of the week: I saw that coming before I reached the end of the story. In this day and age, I kinda think you should have too. Maybe not THAT specific, but... give her the opportunity to check it while you walk away for a moment, in case she had objectionable photos in there.

This showed up in my Deadspin feed, as it was apparently cross-posted there. I thought for SURE it was a Drew Magary post. But Lindy kicks ass too.

The tick probably didn't latch on to his scrote directly. Ticks usually grab on to your ankle or shin as you're walking by, then crawl up your body until they find the right spot to dig in.

I'd have made "26.2" the jersey number, but their way is good too.

What is even more maddening about Swiper is that when he DOES steal something, he flings it away and shouts "You'll never find it now!" Then you are asked to help Dora and Boots find the item (say, a chocolate boat, which conveniently lands on a beach filled with brown triangular objects), and they get it right back.

I did this a while back (2002)—I was a Caps season ticket holder, and they gave us a shot at first and second round NCAA games in the area, so I took it. It was actually pretty fun. Two games in the afternoon, about a two-hour break (so we went to a bar and caught up on other games), then two games in the evening. The

I have money stashed in a few places—savings account, my company's ESPP, some other stock accounts that would be easily liquidated if necessary. Is that explicitly an "emergency fund?" I don't think of it in those terms, but it would fulfill that need if necessary.

Re BIG SPICE: Go to an Indian grocery store, and you can buy a one-pound bag of most spices, like more than you can use in five years (if you're not cooking Indian food every day), for what you pay for that 2-ounce jar at the regular grocery store.

I can forgive this show by believing that Max is autistic.

Sparky Lyle's "The Bronx Zoo" has an amusing bit about the Reggie bar, when they gave them away at Yankee Stadium. "It tastes like cowflop," another player said. Then when Reggie hit a home run, several thousand Reggie bars were flung onto the field.

That would only make sense in a cross-conference game. For a team in your division, or your conference for that matter (since the playoff field is the 3 division winners plus the 5 next teams in the conference), you'd much rather get 2 points and give them 0 for a regulation win.

I would totally buy a Washington Pigskins hat with an outlandish cartoon pig logo.