
My only thought on this one:

I always find these articles quite useless… now only if I had an ipad!

I relish the fact I'm immature (& young) enough to appreciate the humour of having a #balls tag.

@kake81: oh i didn't realise that. Don't I look stupid?:)

Finally we have a real reason to work on fusion!!

@Mooncheez: thanks for reminding me of this. what a brilliant mythbusters episode

I think the people who were disappointed with Grylls "faking" it are the same who now like to believe Stroud does everything by himself.

@travisco_nabisco: oh these people would be in trouble! In case of an earthquake they might even have t0 move to one of their other dozens of flats

@Go Vols!: that's some consumer trust you've got!

that's genius

Mock-ups are like top models. They're nice to feast your eyes on, but you know you'll never get them

i'm sure they're going to figure something out to solve this problem soon.

Soooo the bag is more expensive than the bike itself?

I don't see any way for Let Me In to be anywhere as good as the original one. The eerie atmosphere of the Swedish winter was a huge part of the original film's appeal for me. how are they going to recreate that in America?

@JohnnyricoMC: He was only the president of the u.s., you can't expect him to be a nuclear physicist or something!

this is what we call a "phone call"

@altgrave: I just find cursive faster, but I'm not about to make a point out of that, it's just terrifying how little people know about certain things. Obviously anyone could be caught out with on some issues, but it just paints a very gloomy and sad picture of our education systems. (Well mainly the American one, but…