If no white border is present, you are expected to follow the posted acronym initiate a Slight Tap On the Pedal.
If no white border is present, you are expected to follow the posted acronym initiate a Slight Tap On the Pedal.
What a tangled web Webb wove. I’m not sure I follow...
Or maybe we just don’t understand how large Torch’s tail light woman, really was....
I don’t see enough structural corrosion to be a worthy D.T. rig. This looks like mostly “patina”. The man simply isn’t afraid of a little weight reduction in the frame, like the rest of us.
That looks like mostly “patina”. I’m not sure there is enough structural rust to be a worthy David Tracy rig. Corosion just doesn’t sem to scare the man, like the rest of us...
‘Murica. In the 80's our government promised the rest of the world that we would finally adopt the Metric system, so the we would be compatible with the new world order. We then proceeded to use it only for bullets....and maybe certain wierd parts of Fords that were made in Mexico.
There is nothing more expensive that a “cheap” German car...
Transmissions won’t fail but frozen clutches are another story... Put ‘er in gear let the clutch out, and nothing happens...Don’t want to be parallel parked behind somebody with the “choke” open (or whatever the hell you call high idle on a fuel injected car) when that baby thaws out and engages. Ask me how I…
If I could give you a sky full of stars for that one, I would. :)
Yep. The seats in my ‘15 are some of the most comfortable I have ridden in, especially when the electicly vented portion is on. I have spent many hours in the saddle. I guess seats fit people differently.
“Refrain from misinformation, thanks”
“Our single fixed reference point, the North Star of our civilization, is the codified philosophy of a group of long-since-dead exclusively white men who built a legal and economic system predicated on them buying and selling human beings”
“but I think getting it out to change a flat with a trunk full of luggage would be even more of an ass-pain than an under-floor placement, as is pretty standard now. So, if you need something to be thankful for today, you can be thankful that, very likely, you don’t have to deal with this.”
Cataracts? Glaucoma? Might want to see someone about that. That thing is Fugly.
Lot’s of assumptions being made about this 19 y.o. “kid”. I am an old fart, now, but by the time I was 19, I had decent credit and had been driving for three years, already. I certainly did not have $8,500 in cash, to my name, however.
“I’m of the opinion that owning two cars is better than one especially if they each have their own specialty.”
“Ralph, why don’t you quit your job? It is obvious to a casual observer that you actually hate cars”.
“Also, let me tell you about vacuum lines. There are more vacuum lines in a GM G-Body than there are visible veins on my fully erect dick. Do vacuum lines stand the test of time? No, boys and girls, they do not. Does anyone tell you this when you’re a dumbass guy in his early 20s? No. No one tells you what vacuum…
A lot of new ones finally do. The last Cessna 150 was produced in the late 70's, however. Aviation is very slow to adapt new technology due to a long expensive FAA certification process, liability costs, and very limited economy of scale. (As opposed to cars, anyway). Cirrus Aircraft, which I believe is producing the…