Actualized Peggy

The thing is, a lot of these Indigenous children were FORCIBLY removed from their home to go to these Catholic schools, where they were completely cut of from their family and culture, and where many suffered physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Their parents did not want to send them there.

I love Adrianne. According to a critic who had seen the pilot, she was the only good thing in the entire shit show.

I know how you feel... I have no answer either. But you know, more and more people are slowly giving up farmed meat for a multitude of reasons... Maybe if over the years, demand for meat drastically diminishes, it will allow the pace of livestock farming to diminish and pave the way for more humane treatment of these

No, but they do find the idea of cheese absolutely repulsive. My Mandarin teacher in college certainly made that clear to us!

I understand this, and agree with you that you can’t (and shouldn’t) force carnivorous animals to follow a vegetarian diet.

I get it. And I hear you about the humane treating of livestock. If everyone just cut the meat consumption way down, I’m convinced it would be easier to treat the animals we do raise for meat better...

I think these are all valid points.

Fair enough.

Can I ask a question? Not trolling I swear, this is just something I’ve pondered as a petless vegetarian. How do you reconcile your desire not to eat meat in order not to be complicit in the slaughter of farm animals, with the fact that dog and cat food pretty much has to contain meat?

Indeed, if this is set in Victorian England, why is she wearing jeans?

That’s how I felt about eye shadow primer!

Thank you. Though I’m fully fluent in it, English is not my first language, and I guess it never occurred to me that “to commit” something has nearly always a negative connotation.

Was just about to ask the same... I don’t get it, what’s wrong with saying “committed suicide”?

Dunno... I spot some purple in there... I’m changing my guess to roasted radicchio with a shit-load of cheese.

Roasted fennel with shit-load of cheese is my guess.

I’ve never heard of D-Mannose, but I am extremely susceptible to UTIs (in fact, I had one just last week. Such fun times!). I’ll definitely give that a try.

I’m teaching my (newly) 4 year old to wipe her own butt post-Number Two and I really, really try to instill this wisdom on her. Front to back, always front to back!!!! She seems to be (finally) getting it, but I am watching her like a freakin’ hawk!

Holy. Shit. No joke, I got an UTI last week, and my first round of antibiotics didn’t work!!! I’m currently on my second round and now I’m scared shitless, thanks to this article.

Yes to everything you just said!!!

Great news.... So long as they both remain actualized!