Wow, that is interesting indeed. Lauren really was the worst, worse than Katrina if you ask me.
Wow, that is interesting indeed. Lauren really was the worst, worse than Katrina if you ask me.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I hope they milk that some more. Betsy does not know what she's in for.
"Will Betsy find a calendar" Hahaha, thank you :D I quite liked this episode, except for… Well, even I see signs now for a possible writers' decision to make Crane and Abbie a couple and I still don't like it. We'll see where it goes next week I guess. But their chemistry is still fantastic of course. And so sorry for…
OMG, THANK YOU! Exactly my opinion. I love that there's such a great friendship between a man and a woman on TV and I really hope they never go the romance route.
Old How I Met Your Mother episodes are excellent for me.
I'd love that, too. More Michaela is always great in my book.
OMG, yes! I didn't even know I needed this and now it sounds perfect.
Rhymes with darkness! Badum-psssh.
I love Asher! He's so sweet.
Next season, I want to see the Annalise-Bonnie-Frank relationship explored more, I want to learn how Michaela dealt with Caleb's death (did she love him? How does it feel to have ANOTHER psycho as your bf?) and more about the family backgrounds of Michaela, Connor and Laurel. I also wouldn't mind a Michaela-Laurel…
I loved the moment between Michaela and Connor. So sweet! I'd love to see more of the two of them- maybe next week he could comfort her when Caleb goes missing. Their friendship is one of my favorite parts about the show.
Agreed. I didn't like it very much - not a fan of the Annalise hallucinations. Or the whole Christophe story, for that matter, but apparently that'll be the focus of the back half of the season. Hurray.
Cheers! Though I watched it at 7:30 in the morning before work and did not have any wine. Sadly.
That Frank-spellcheck scene was probably my favorite moment of the entire episode. Awesome, go you, Frank :D I did wonder though- every time you write up something with names in it, spellcheck usually shows at least one mistake since it's not likely to recognize all the names. Anyway. Still a great moment.
I loved it and some story parts still hold up well- mostly the emotional beats. The alien special effects… not so much.
Thank you! Julia's my favorite Braverman, too, but she never gets enough love around here.
I loved Hank's "I like Joel. Good Joel, not bad Joel." You and me both, buddy. So great how he gets family politics, haha.
Joel's whole "I want you back" scene was great and they had BETTER get back together by the end because they're joelandjulia. But man… He basically ignored her when she said she was struggling, they split up, he never wanted to talk and now, a year(!) later, when she is juuust starting to get over him, he says he…
Fascinating. My parents got divorced when I was in my early 20s and have not spoken a word since. Going anywhere with the two of them would be excruciating. nice to see it works out differently sometimes.