
I was definitely wondering, since I find her scenes to be the most fun- so she better show up again soon! I can see the Kenna ex machina thing happening, too.

Are you kidding me?? This was fricking awesome! I absolutely loved the premiere and thought it was hilarious and emotional in all the right places. My fav was Crane at the Colonial Times. So good. Glad the show is back!

I loved that too. His look of realization in the kitchen with Lauren and then his and Haddie's last scene without dialogue were amazing. Those were examples of what a great show Parenthood can be for me.

Cool way to think about that. I like you now, hahah

Exactly! Just don't tell him. And it wouldn't have to be a big deal either, like "Oh no, she's hiding sth from him- when will it come out?" They are separated and Joel told her pretty clearly that he did not care for their relationship one bit. So when they get back together, I wonder if a TV show can manage to show

THIS. Thank you! And before things got intense with Ed, she showed signs and said that she needed help, but Joel wasn't listening. Didn't she say "I'm drowning" or sth like that earlier? If your partner says that, maybe don't ignore it? It seemed to me that Joel was suddenly very closed of starting with the discussion

Seriously. THAT reminded me of a sullen child. "I don't want to be here, so I'm going to make that very clear!"

OMG, is that the Parenthood set?? Looks exactly like they're sitting in front of the guest house!

Yeah, of course it was awful. But I've been thinking for a while this is what it must feel like to her. Before Victor, her parents just went along with their usual lives (however disfunctional and non-communicative you might find them). Then the Victor thing was rough at first, they did not get family counseling for

I totally understand Adam wants to kill that kid. I want to kill that kid. Children are so cruel. On the plus side, that was one of the best scenes I've seen on TV in a long time. And the Julia-Joel storyline with how it affects the kids was great, too. Great episode all around!

A. Please don't have Joel and Julia break up for good. I couldn't take that.
B. Why are there only two options in the Zeek-Camille storyline: sell the house so they can travel the world or don't sell and never leave the house. Going to more culture things like museums or plays or even day-long roadtrips should be no

Vanessa is my favorite by far- and I agree with the reviewer that Jill's and Vanessa's friendship is one of the best parts of this show. Also, no matter whether it's from Brooklyn to the UWS or the other way around- that's just far. I spent half of grad school in the same bar across from Columbia and remember my best

That mom moment! Yay! SO happy for Julia.

Crosby should not have apologized. He was in the right, Jasmine and especially her mother were in the wrong. Grandma does not get to butt in w criticism about how they should raise Jabbar, just because she happens to live in the same house (because they were nice enough to let her). And yes, he got a little loud, but

It's three years later, but thank you for sharing this.

I was so confused about how quickly the adoption storyline got resolved! Last episode he called the cops for child abuse and it was an absolute disaster in their household, and now all Julia needed was a peptalk from Crosby (which was admittedly amazing) and Victor is a little angel again? None of the underlying

Lucky you ;) I love being able to write whatever here, being that it's three years later. It's like being an Internet ghost! Ich kann sogar auf deutsch schreiben und niemanden interessiert's! Fun times.

Lucky you ;) I love being able to write whatever here, being that it's three years later. It's like being an Internet ghost! Ich kann sogar auf deutsch schreiben und niemanden interessiert's! Fun times.

That Crosby phone call scene with Adam was comedy gold. When he pours the cheetos and Adam says "not too many" and he starts putting them back in- great, hahahaha

That Crosby phone call scene with Adam was comedy gold. When he pours the cheetos and Adam says "not too many" and he starts putting them back in- great, hahahaha