
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.

Question to americans: Why is the KKK still allowed to exist?

ew no. what a douchebag.

Rich, babe, speak for yourself. Keys doesn’t want to do anything to me (more’s the pity, I suppose) because I’m not watching this crapola in the first place.



Schumer has been sliding down my respect gauge for a few months now.

I immediately lose most, if not all, of the respect I have for someone when I find out that they’re a Stern fan.

Flea, sorry you’re so wrong.

Actually, the word is “Timberlake.” I hated him from day one, and it’s fantastic to have that loathing validated.

I have a recording of him telling his life story. It is absolutely incredible how far he has come since his younger days.

I called it yesterday: Justin Timberlake will be an asshole at every Hillary Clinton photo opportunity. He’s a self-centred clown, but worse than a clown.

Congrats to Danny Trejo. 48 years sober, an amazing accomplishment.

I don’t really understand Jez’s handwringing over how to discuss what happened.

Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes

We know that restraining orders and criminal charges (with bail) don’t do much to stop batterers from murdering their partners in retaliation for police involvement or, as seems to be in this case, for the woman leaving him. So to me it only makes sense that the deadly weapons be taken out of the equation. There’s no

So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.