
Lived in a major city where 85-90% of people (including almost all my coworkers) voted Democrat, definitely heard some off-color remarks regarding race, nationality, etc. And that was on top of the far-more-common shit directed at southerners, Christians, low-income people, blue-collar workers, and anyone not

I gave them a shot for the first time about 5 years ago with a set of duratracs, and never looked back. It makes such a difference. 

I have severe service rated tires (off road snow tires) on my land cruiser and its near unstoppable

Oh yeah. On snowy roads nothing beats AWD or 4WD with good snow tires.

Wow, that’s some candor you admitting Democrat’s don’t give a crap about black folk. I personally, am a 2nd generation immigrant whose parents either joined the US military or their parent joined the US military as a Filipino. My cousins waited 20 years to become citizens and they joined the military. How is it fair

You are naive how construction industry works which I’ll site center left Politifact.

Racism is extremely bad and should be stopped, but can we talk about your unprofessional writing? You’re aware kids read this blog as well, right? You want to be taken seriously in journalism, stopping cursing in your headlines and articles. It’s unprofessional, it looks ridiculous, and you seem to be the only one doin

See this is funny because my middle school teacher tried to teach us it wasn’t about slavery but for a different reason. She said if we really through the north would fight a war over human rights we were giving our early leaders waaaaaaaaaay too much credit. So she instructed us that it was about power, not because

3.) Midsize and compact trucks. Not everyone wants\needs an F150 and the midsize market is only growing. Bonus points if they can be hybrids\full electric.

Also it’s easy to forget that BMW and MB have more lower-priced and entry level options in Europe vs only luxury in the US. 

Hot garbage.

Also. Sunroof delete.

2nd: I don’t see why Tesla wouldn’t want its employees to unionize if the company thinks it’s so nice and fair to them, but I’m biased. 

I didn’t do even that. Boot camp company commanders thought that going to the range was a pain in the ass.

Also, what cars are the poor buying that meet the efficiency goal? They don’t exist yet or haven’t (if) depreciated enough.

One issue with just making gas super expensive is that the poor would be the ones bearing the brunt of that approach. The same people who already have super long commutes in SF and LA because they can’t afford to live anywhere near their jobs. Doesn’t seem like a great approach.

Some people need that all the time, like myself. But even if you only need that sometimes, still makes sense if they get good enough fuel economy.

1st and Neutral: Pickup trucks are the only car segment left where people actually WANT to buy them. They’re the last of the car guys cars. Look at how emotional people get over their trucks.

Wait, so do opposite-sex partners also have to get married? Or this only applies to same-sex couples who aren't married? 

Unions had a purpose many decades ago. They're nothing but a cancer on the American workforce now