
Alot of people are still using iphones on t-mobile right here in the states too. and thats only edge also. but heck 50 a month is better then 100 or whatever it is on t-mobile. wi-fi is prevalent these days anyway.

ignore the 2 year thing.. nasa routinley understates the lifeterm of thier equipment so that they can call it a success if it only works a fraction of the time they really expect it to. the rovers were like 90 days or something and last 7 years..

yea.. amazing how they stole the idea of a box being something to put things

whats really messed up is two things

I dont think anyone says women cannot handle high pressure situations.. I think its more that they are useless at being say police officers which require the physical strength of a man...rather then 5 women to take down a suspect...or needing backup on every call..or resort to the tazer for every arrest etc.. I don't

A Tazer should only be used if the subject has a deadly weapon (that doesn't fire a projectile)..not to do his job for him. tazers can kill.

So.. basically they made it the same way it was when it was a grandcentral number? If I remember correctly this feature was enabled way back then. I didn't even realize they ever turned it off.

I would point out that this day and age. as someone who worked in HR. Everyone gets a good reference by default.. very rarely will your employer say something negative about you or your job performance in fear of litigation. even if you are the worst employee.. unless maybe you got caught stealing and they have

my understanding is purchase of currency will get you transactoion charge for cash, also, unless im reading it wrong the website says free shipping over $250..

lol.. thats my point.. it doesnt effect you personally.. until it does... and by then its too late because you didn't care about when it effected other people and its then become the norm. If you always wait for something thats wrong to effect you directly it may be too late. like illegal wiretapping for

regardless of wether you torrent.. it should bother you that your internet provider is decide what you can and cannot see.

comcast not connecting to it. get

comcast not connecting to it, get

I would say no.. because you cannot consider a contract for an illegal activity as legally binding. so the act was consensual but the contract was null and void under the law

I disagree.. she is not actually that hot.

also it says the deal is 1 year away not 2. is anything in this "article" correct

the article says clearly "AT&T said it had factored the cost of replacement phones into the total cost of the acquisition."

maybe ATT will fix her teeth

you get 50 standard email accounts but unlimited email addresses at your domain that can forward to your accounts. look under groups.

you could set it up for himand create the account to set it up. but your going to need to login to change the dns setting so you'll need his password or to have him log you in. google makes you copy a code into the dns to make sure you are allowed access. they walk you thru it. tell him you will give him