Blaster is great. But Kroil will change your life.
Blaster is great. But Kroil will change your life.
Seems like I’ve always known of at least 3 places that sell used (usually plugged) tires.
PB Blaster is OK. AeroKroil is FAR better. And the hot blue flame wrench is 10X better than both combined, if you can get the flame wrench where you need it. Those electric inductor things are even better than that when you can use them.
::Aerokroil enters the chat::
Kroil is potent.
Except, when it comes to the Chinese government. They will fuck us at every opportunity and will continue to do so via intellectual property theft, currency manipulation, state sponsored espionage, and any number of other methods they can think of to take advantage of us.
1st. Gear: Normally I would be on the side of governments letting free trade do it’s thing and leave private enterprise to the laws of supply and demand.
“This Trump Guy Seems Bad”
Maybe Lotus could just convert a 2010 Elise to battery power. It’s small and light, and.....(Oh, wait.....)
The people who are on the road are absolute maniacs. Suddenly the limit isn’t the traffic, it’s the bald mismatched tires on your 2000 Grand Prix. Then you hit a bridge support.
At least the people who refuse to wear seatbelts are only risking themselves.
First: A lot of those traffic deaths (at least here in Missouri where I’ve seen the statistics) are due to idiots not wearing seat belts. It still surprises me that people don’t wear them. Probably the same people who refuse to wear a mask.
Yep, nothing says “aerodynamic” like... a flat faced brick.
You spelled 200 years wrong.
The flip side is that if FCA did not take action about the design it could be looked at as a precedent for not defending their IP. So, when another company builds a Wrangler knock-off for the road and tries to sell it, they could point their finger at the Roxor and say: “see, FCA didn’t defend the design IP then, why…
1st Gear: What utterly lame, copy/paste safe words to use.
1st Gear: If Tesla is the alternative case then a robust dealer network is preferable to me. Buying a Tesla was no easier than getting a car through a traditional dealer and getting a Tesla serviced is a lot more difficult. It can take over a month to get an appointment. Plus no one answers the phone at Tesla service.…
Even if he leaves, his cult members are still here in numbers that could have me feeding a wood chipper with the inlet painted to look like trump’s anus 24/7 and most of them would still probably die of old age and morbidities while waiting their turn to climb up his ass.
In all honesty, baby 2021 isn’t looking any kinder than its grizzled bastard old man of a brother.