
Can confirm.  Here in California’s Central Valley there are more Hog-riders breaking the noise regs than I’ve seen in my 35+ years living in this area.  I guess they have to show they ain’t afraid of no little ol’ virus (or maybe they think the noise shields them).

I don’t know any of the Fords, but I’ve always had the impression they take their family name and their company’s legacy very seriously. I could be wrong, though.

“I’m waiting for the Doofus in Chief to realize that if he holds on for a second term, he’ll be doing literally nothing but trying to rescue the American economy profit from the pain and suffering this pandemic has caused.*”

re: “They have a bugout clause in place.”

Aren’t all the cruise ship companies foreign-owned?

“It’s just a cold!” - R. Limbaugh

“... the airlines felt they were doing the right thing for their shareholders C Suite executives whose obscene bonuses were largely tied to stock prices ...”

History has gotten at least a bit back to their roots lately.  The ‘George Washington’ documentary was decent, and the upcoming ‘Grant’ looks to be better.

I’m not an immunologist and, like most of us only know what I hear and read, but isn’t COVID-19 a virus in the same class as the ‘common’ cold?  Anyone know of any vaccines for the cold?

I think earnings—at least, growth—will already be discounted by May.  In fact, they’re being discounted today.

re: “Sadly, that is probably an incredibly optimistic view of Putin.”

Potable water, food and ammunition, in that order.  You can’t drink, eat or shoot gold.

Note during the ‘Ford years’ Lincoln used a slightly detuned version of Jag’s 4.0L V8. My mom’s LS has one and, yeah, it’s ‘quirky’--hydraulic fans???!!!--but a good performer after we got the CoP issues fixed.

I bought my Bullitt at Heritage Ford in Modesto, CA. Altogether a pleasant experience: no hard sell, reasonable give-and-take on the negotiations, payment done with a personal check and a handshake (not even a credit check, which the last Ford dealer insisted on). Lifetime free oil changes—the Coyote takes 10 qts!—and

The only software change that needs to be outlawed is the one that lets dickheads ‘roll coal.’  But, I can see companies saying: “You tweak the code and it breaks something your warranty is null and void.”  Of course, when the wheels fall off the company will say it’s because you tuned the engine.

Your favorite cabernet savignon need only have 51% cab sav grapes.

re: “I live in Wichita and thousands of people have lost their jobs...”

Agreed.  But it screams ‘MONEY!’ and that’s all that matters.

Also, “it’s” is a contraction of ‘it is;’ ‘its’ is correct for singular possessive.  There will be a test.

I label cars and other products depending on where the profits go; Toyota to Japan, Ford to Detroit, etc.