“.... the concern trolling by the bears kicked off a SEC investigation...”
“.... the concern trolling by the bears kicked off a SEC investigation...”
How’s this:
“... consumer safely alerts from the company noted, vehicles may have instrument clusters that disable warning alerts and fail to display gear positions — drive, reverse, park, neutral”
re: “For instance, I had a physics professor say the way to clear a flooded engine was to remove the spark plugs. Sure that works, of course you could also simply hold the throttle open and crank it over.”
Well, there go all the ‘safe driver discounts’ we’re all enjoying, right?
Lesseeee ... Ford gets environmental kudos for siding with CARB, and lets GM ‘fight the good fight’ with FCA over corruption (keeping hundreds of lawyers on both sides in fat city for years).
Edd China would be impressed.
Nice. But can it be overclocked?
“... take the boat yacht to the lake on the weekend.”
re: “... how would you go about “making drivers better”
“... 471-horsepower 5.0-liter naturally-aspirated V-8.”
“... informed public ...”
You are correct, sir (from a Not-Quite-So-Bitter Old dude). The problem, as I see it, is what are the ‘options for long-term employment?’ I got into computer programming at a fairly early stage, about 35 years ago, because I sensed it had a long-term employment opportunity. Now, I wouldn’t advise someone to get into…
re: “I suspect it won’t be long before they also charge as quickly as it takes to fill the tank.”
And we all know how well ‘infrastructure’ improvement is going.
re: “It’s funny, the tech industry is actually making MEs more valuable through pure scarcity due to young people not pursuing it.”
I developed in LabView on a contract, programming the test instrumentation for a GOES weather satellite at Space Systems Loral. It was clunky—their old program, written in Pascal worked fine, BTW—but I can see its appeal when you just want to slap something together. It can’t do elaborate logic, though (it’s been a…
Am I the only driver who thinks touchscreens are a hazard, due to having to take your eyes off the road to flip though screens and find the correct region to touch?
By your logic Jalopnik should ‘have it out[sic*] for Ford’ since Ford nixed DT’s appearance at the Mustang reveal (for, uh, ‘revealing’ the Mustang too soon, though I’m convinced the ‘leak’ was intentionally unintentional).
“Also its name is dumb.”