
I have a novel idea: How about a food joint where people park their EVs, plug then in, and girls on roller skates come to your car to take your order and bring your food when it’s ready?

Better have a ‘Smart Speaker Delete’ option. I can’t believe anybody would even have one of these in their homes.

“D-Day:” two syllables; “Operation Overlord:” seven syllables (results may vary).

Ferrari deserves to be villianized:

Backstory (TLDR: Ferrari was a cheater):

Think they showed a glimpse of it.

Corn Nuts.

“Future is electric , not gasoline.”

Spoiler all the things.

“It also said no plant closures would be needed.”

“I expect this will lead to a lot more mergers.”

Yeah.  Nissan has that efficiency thing nailed.

“Slowing car sales plus increased investment in electrification and autonomy equals cost cutting.”

Bongholders in the console FTW!

Torchinsky 2020 goals:

All the ‘mobility prophets’ are gonna look kinda silly if the vast majority—say, 95%+—of Americans continue to insist on owning a petroleum-powered vehicle.

My mom’s neighbor has one of these. Rides like a tank.

I bought the factory shop manual for my ‘08 Mustang. A lot (most) of the scheduled ‘maintenance’ was ‘inspect this, inspect that.’ Modern cars don’t need a ‘lube job’ every 5K miles (sealed bearings, etc.). I had a look underside when I changed the oil myself, I inspected the brakes when I had the tires rotated and

“... the loaner the dealer gave her expired before her car was done...”

... we just keep hitting “remind me tomorrow” until we buy a new car.’