“What is almost 100% for sure though is that a bad guy with a gun beats a good guy without.”
“What is almost 100% for sure though is that a bad guy with a gun beats a good guy without.”
Anything over 3 blades is too many; can’t get the pesky whiskers in and around your nose with a wide blade head.
“... They jack them up to a point of making them useless. They put scary looking grills on them and then make them all tacky with all sorts of added on bullshit.”
That’s libtards to you, fella.
Written: “At Neflix, employees are allowed to take all the vacation time they want!”
“El Nino Camino”
Here in California, premium gas tops $4/gal on a regular (hah) basis (depending on what the arabs are up to). Lots of people still drive massive trucks and S/CUVs.
I don’t see what you’re worried about; autonomous cars will be every bit as safe as a Boeing 737MAX.
Hmmmmm ... wonder what ‘Real People’ will think about this one?
You mean ‘Datsuns?’
“... lots of well-paying, stable jobs in the US ...”
“Maybe it was the American people, for not loving the Cruze enough. Maybe it was the UAW for not pressuring GM to get its shit together. Maybe, and this is going to sound crazy, it was GM for, uh, making boring cars that didn’t make it money.”
Yup. I remember when ‘file clerk’ was a job that employed tens of thousands. A single database server can do all their jobs but, at least you needed a few data entry people and DB admins to tend to the machines.
Yep. I have been actively ignoring all internet advertising since the first banner ad came out. Well, occasionally I do spot an “I’ve been looking for something like that for a long time” ad out of the corner of my eye.
re: “I understand that trucks and suvs/cuvs dominate the market, but that doesnt mean the trend will continue.”
Go to this article and search for a comment by “Mike R” It’s a long, detailed, technical explanation of the serious Achilles Heel of EVs: cold weather. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that EVs are mostly popular in temperate climes.
Public companies exist to make top management rich so they can go on CNBC or FBN. If that takes enriching a few shareholders then that’s the price you have to pay.
You forgot: Executive bonuses/stock compensation.
re: “ride sharing and all that jazz which has a very steep uphill battle (autonomy) and probably even more marginal profits (ride sharing)?”
Democrats, for the most part and so far, are staying largely quiet on this (Note: ‘so far’). Wasn’t it Napoleon who said: “Never interrupt your enemy ...”