re: ‘Imagine a salesman saying: “Sorry, all e-trons are broken right now, waiting for a software patch”’
re: ‘Imagine a salesman saying: “Sorry, all e-trons are broken right now, waiting for a software patch”’
Beats ‘real people.’
Best to keep the lineage:
re: “There is nothing wrong with Free Bird either.”
re: “... Is there any safe way to remove ethanol from fuel without being a chem major?”
My liver agrees.
“I’d have asked what they did to make God mad at them.”
“... it makes MAGA hat wearing people forget that they still don’t have jobs and lost their most of their health assurance coverage”
re: “If we approached climate change like we approach a war, we could kick some serious ass.”
“... its plan to kill cars and sedans (save for the Mustang)“
Yep. Long ago, I worked for Hewlett-Packard, at the end of the ‘good old days’ and the the ‘HP Way.’ Bill (Hewlett) and Dave (Packard) had retired, but still had an active role in the company. Both were trained and accomplished engineers, especially Bill, but when the company grew at least one of them (Dave) got an…
We really need Dave Barry back.
All the ‘flying car’ proponents seem to be willfully ignoring the hard fact: You’ll need some form of pilot’s license to fly them in the American—or pretty much any coutry’s—airspace. I have a commercial pilot’s license; it took a long time, a doctor’s approval (depending on the class of license), lots of effort and…
I—well, Google—did the math:
“... even today we can’t improve on such a perfect design is just that, a myth.”
“... facts don’t ACTUALLY matter to them”
“Seriously though, screw those misogynistic stone age jackasses. You know the Saudi government funded 9/11 and 80% of the hijackers were Saudis right?”
“I wish more people would prefer to have fewer, higher quality things, and take care of them...”