Look don’t get me wrong, it’s neat BUT when it comes to useing glitchis for a “record” run I feel that it’s cheating. If you want to impress me then play the full game with no cheats or glitches.
Look don’t get me wrong, it’s neat BUT when it comes to useing glitchis for a “record” run I feel that it’s cheating. If you want to impress me then play the full game with no cheats or glitches.
That is possibly the most incredible act of flying I have ever seen!
Man I HATED Pimp My Ride!
This POS of a human should have his face peeled of by a cheese grater!
I would not trust it, probably has DNA scanners in it! Elon needs your DNA to build his cyborgs to bulid his cars while he lives Mars with his wives!
Strangly enough he a Pastor!
Did you put 24" rims on it?
I agree. The erly 2000's was a cool time for Dodge/Crysler. truly cool cars. I always have like the Prowler a bizarre car that should have never truly been built. But it was and for that I’m happy for it!
I will give you that! But there was a lot of veraity, problem is that the radio only plays the same ten “classics” over and over again! Also why are there no more electric guitar solos anymore? Every 80's song had one!
Well it was all bound to come to an end sooner or later! Good news it that Dodge will still have all the crappy quality they have had since 1975!
I was watching TMNT and eating Lucky Charms while my face was 6 inches away from my old tube TV.
Wish I was a fly on a wall when the hammer came down on Hamlin and Bush! What a major burn for the two of them. Did they know about the mods to the cars? Maybe, Maybe not.
Well considering most of the NFT and crypto market is used for laundering money and other criminal activities it’s no surprise that anyone would want this.
Well at least Magikarp is sake the single greatest Pokemon of all time!
If there willing to make kids work on a damn assembly plant then you have to wonder, what else are they doing to these kids? It’s a very chilling and disgusting thought but at this point I would not put it past these monsters.
That hurts man, I have been there so I know how you feel. I found my cat dead on the couch when I got home from work many yeas back. I never expected it at all, he was happy and a good cat! And yes REAL men cry. I miss him still. his name was “Intruder”
Sweet littel story.
Just a guess.... You must own a Tesla!