
Front wheel drive saves the day!

I do believe that this is the stupidest thing I have seen so far in 2022!

“Florida Guy” is a cop now?

That was what I was thinking! Just look at the damn road and think...

“Hmmm if it was late at night, and maybe the person was speeding, That person over shot the road and went into the river!”

So if this idiot is doing a GoFund me page to pay for his POS limo, then that must mean that he must not have any issuance.

“Back in the USSR....”

Don’t worry everyone he’s white so he will be just fine!

A Tim Horrtos coffee says, she did on purpose just to get some hit’s on her struggling TicTock or FB or Instagram or what ever other social-media crap there is now!

Hell NO!

So glade that such an amazing car was saved. Sad to think that the guy who had the car, knew how important it was just left it to rot away! Shows that he did not care about how important the history behind it was.

I know it’s sad to think about how bad the racism that is going on is, but it’s not everywhere. As we


Need to tar and feather these POS’s

I loved that show as a kid!

Did feel heavy?

Amateurs! Do what Dale did once:

Put the left wheels on the right and the right wheels on the left!


So of he treats his employs this bad. just think of how bad he would treat you car...

So I havr one kid and one cat... guess I got 50% on the test?

I had french fries on a pizza once.... It was a New Years party, there was a lot of beer. I was younger. It was bad.... very bad. Trust me!