
But it’s not just one individual losing a few dollars. I run a school. We would report. But if parents pulled kids, we would have to lay off staff. The school could fail, and all staff would lose their jobs and the children could lose their school. We would report! But the disincentives to do so are heavy.

Basic human courtesy is something all humans deserve. Basic human courtesy includes not yelling at people on airplanes. Those guys were wrong.

My teenage daughter loves Dan and Phil. They are just silly. It’s not for grownups, but that’s OK.

Because the cost to the reporting institution is huge. Not right, but that’s the way it is. People would blame the institution for having weak controls and oversight and would pull out their children and warn their friends.

CORRECTAMUNDO. Misogyny and racism duke it out for supremacy in the alt-right world view. Bannon keeps a low profile, but his fingerprints are all over everything “Trump” has done. He is smart AF and the evil behind the throne.

Thousandaire, more like. Or was. Now, things are looking up.

Why that “law” is DOA: “The Texas Departmenit of State Health Services has said the rule was intended as a public health measure to help prevent the spread of disease.”

I am kinda relieved, because I was astonished and disappointed that no one defended her. Good to know that was as unlikely as it seemed.

My favorite line belongs to Fran Lebowitz: “Donald Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man.”

He will say it was because there weren’t enough good guys with automatic, military-grade weaponry and eliminate any gun regulations still on the books.

Partisan gerrymandering suffered a blow in Wisconsin that could end it across the U.S. Search Campaign Legal Center Wisconsin.

How about Oxycodone or fentanyl? Those seem to effortlessly kill hundreds of Americans.

The Democrats must, MUST develop a pipeline of talent.

She is intelligent, sane, uttterly without a moral compass, and evil as fuck.

That Cracked article was awesome. Good job sharing, MBCock.

Activism works when the people in power give a peaceful answer to it. Not the situation we will be facing with Trump.

Gloria Steinem said the only lasting achievement of the women’s liberation movement was the Dutch treat. To that, we can add the draft.

I... I thought our national decline would be more gradual. I figured we’d have a couple of generations, at least.

I hate Kellyanne Conway with the burning passion of 1,000 suns, but feminists everywhere have to stop and point out gratuitous denigration of her appearance. That’s sexist, hypocritical, and distracts from her real, racist, cruel words and actions.

She is a traitor to her COUNTRY. But yes, also to her gender. Plus she is mean to teens.