Thank you so much for this! I will order mine today.
Thank you so much for this! I will order mine today.
I have a friend who used to be a blackout drunk. One day when he came to, he realized he had been in a fight. His friends told him he had started it and that the other guy was hurt, too. You know what he did? He stopped drinking. In all the years subsequent to that — and they’ve been hard — he never picked up a drink.
Did you coin “bible spice?” Because that is excellent.
Why give this douchebag any more attention?
Just curious if you would be so forgiving if the genders were reversed. No dog in this fight, just genuinely curious.
I dissent. I loved those books, but I think kids should read them on their own. He is ready for the first 3 at age 8, if he is a decent reader. The rest of them probably starting age 11 or 12. For readaloud books, The Indian in the Cupboard is great. The audiobook of it, read by the author, is also fantastic.
The model in the first photo was my English professor at UT Austin.
Are you crazy? Deer do awful damage to cars. And that is a picture of a deer, not an elk. Even though I live in Brooklyn I can tell the difference.
OMG I hope those “performance artists” made BANK.
Maybe someone could stage a kiss-in at the SOTU. Anyone who doesn’t feel like a good lip-lock could sing “All You Need is Love.”
OUTSTANDING HEADLINE. Better than Gawker’s. It must be said.
Lady Gaga is worth $$$$$$$, and I’m guessing Orlan is worth $ maybe. If Lady Gaga stole, borrowed or “homaged” this idea from Orlan, she could at least acknowledge it graciously and pay her some money for it.
Can’t see that one enough.
Wow. I’d like to see Bill O’Reilly get that kind of photographic treatment.
Pure bullshit, as are your “feelings that you are right.” I don’t have “feelings” that people with guns are prepared to be murderers, I have numbers and facts. The debate is not feelings vs. feelings. It is paranoia vs. facts — dead and maimed people facts.
No, she is wearing a shirt. It’s a light brown flimsy tank, but it’s a shirt. The bare feet are SO gross, though. I do not fully buy that he is slipping on “kebob,” unless it is regurgitated kebob. Eeeuuuwwwwwwwww.
Equating Hillary Clinton and Cheeto-Face Trump is full-on cray cray. And the kind of facile cynicism that elected George W. Bush. Take it back.
In NYC, in middle school, all lunches are provided free to every child. I think breakfast is free to every child in elementary as well. No stigma. No shame.
A food that is great to make in bulk is granola. Mine is made of oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. There are many recipes. Choose the one you like, make a bunch, and then store in an airtight container. I eat mine every morning with microwaved frozen fruit and yogurt.