
Not watching it. Both my children had mild cases of pertussis a few years ago. It is endemic in Brooklyn, and because the vaccine is “weak” due to the nastiness of the virus, even vaccinated children get it. They would have “cough attacks” that would leave them breathless. MILD cases. Fuck these guys.

Annnd, how many weeks until the divorce?

You know, this is bad for Texas. I tried to promote my UT Austin honors program to a parent of an academic superstar college-bound senior, and she immediately cut me off. “I would never send my daughter to a school in Texas. It is unsafe for women. What if she needed birth control? What if she needed an abortion? No.”

PLEASE follow up on this one. I mean, WTF?

No way did she lose momentum with the Republican “base” for Planned Parenthood lying. They probably finally noticed she is a woman.

Yo, Kelsey, I’ll make a deal. You don’t have an abortion, and I won’t fuck you.


I am 100% okay with my federal tax dollars going to support abortion. A safe, medical abortion is a critical component of women’s health care. I know that PP and its supporters are trying to appeal to the middle, but I wonder if they are making a long-term mistake by pushing abortion back into the shadows and

I dunno. I thought it was funny.

The Room of Requirement is *never* on the map.

YES. Living and dying by sword. Hoist on own petards, etc.

You won’t be able to marry an angry misogynist whose worst nightmare is a woman who enjoys sex — something he has never before seen in his life. And never will see. Poor, poor pitiful you.

I am always happy to see a spider. Do mot get the hate and fear. Mosquitoes aee the devil’s spawn.

Love triangle = mainstream media-speak for domestic violence. It is horrible that this professor was gunned down, but also horrible that a related murder of a woman gets barely a mention, except in some prudishly titillating suggestion of a three-way.

Maybe she is under the delusion that she makes music, not entertainment. It is also an app. Not so great for breaking news, but frquently great for analysis.

Having looked at that video for the first time, it looks like she was trying to get some good footage of someone on the ground. She keeps cooly filming after deliberately tripping the guy carrying his child. No sign of panic. Better? Worse? Still awful?

It is OK to be genuinely horrified. One need not adopt an “ironic posture” to distance oneself from the horror that is Trump’s inexplicable popularity. It is a kind of grownup thing to fully experience a genuine feeling. A person over 21 can probably handle it. Just a thought.

Holding you in the light. Very best wishes.

And asbestos! And cyanide! And poisonous mushrooms!