Spoiler alert: Megyn Kelly’s show sucks.
Congrats to Lena Waithe, who starred in arguably the best episode in Season 2 of Master of None and deservedly…
Or if you’re in Polk, Lake or Sumter Counties…
Vick is a siciopath with no soul. His apologies, his statements are as empty as his heart.
I don’t know Michael Vick doesn’t come across as the brightest bulb in the box maybe this is rocket science for him.
Can we not rename the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the Treasonous Baby Girls, or the Little Racist Girls? Or even just Sore Losers?
We don’t ignore Nazis. We hit them with bright sunshine, shut down their websites, get them fired, ostracize them and occasionally punch them in the fucking dick.
I love when a hot-ass song by sexy-voiced Future is also a cry to rip the sheets off racists.
That’s the HORRROR.
I popped onto the Color of Change site for shits and giggles and as soon as “Colin Kaepernick” left my mouth she was quick to say they weren’t taking calls about him and hung up the phone.
Fuck Matt Damon.
When does he fire Trump?
OR maybe Bernie was saying exactly what needs to be said. Bernie wasn’t talking about some racial trickle down, saying that improving the economic conditions of white people would eventually lead to improvement for black people.
Mike Vick has a right to speak his truth.
I’ve gotten a sudden, totally-unrelated-to-this-article inspiration about my new clothing line. It will feature t-shirts of various Kardashians, super-imposed with a picture of me squatting and peeing on them. I’m sure they would agree that is totally fair use of their likenesses.
I’m amazed this doesn’t have more stars! Here, instead:
“Hetha Connah. Come vith me if you vant to....lift.”
I’m going to be honest, I though he was afraid of cooties because that seems like his level of maturity, but now I’m starting to wonder....