While all the buzz over the new Popeyes chicken sandwich has people lining up at franchises across the nation, one…
While all the buzz over the new Popeyes chicken sandwich has people lining up at franchises across the nation, one…
URBANDALE, Iowa—Really, what Joe Biden looks like is a game show host. The tan, the blindingly white dentures, the…
I’m not interested in writing off Joe’s slips as some sort of old man brain. He’s done this same exact shit the whole time. Despite the fact you think it makes him unfit, it just plays into that bumbling lovable uncle persona too many people are dazzled by. Trump, on the other hand, has had visible deterioration of his…
A phrase that drives me crazy is referring to a baby as “my little man.” It’s not a man. It’s a fucking baby. And maybe, if you do a good job parenting, he won’t turn out to be the kind of men we all deal with every day.
I think it would behoove us to remember our liberalism here, and realize that while the guy wrote the book, it was millions of adults who foisted it on their kids because it said what they wanted to hear. It takes a village to make a movement, and speaking as someone who grew up the burned-over rural red America in…
Even though my parents were incredibly religious - I mean hell, my dad is an ordained southern baptist pastor - they *never* once pushed this stuff on me at all. It started gaining traction right when I was moving into my teen years and there was a big emphasis on the True Love Waits thing. But it’s like my parents…
This guy’s (an others like him) work is the reason that my parents were complete psychopaths in my teens (and early 20's) in regards to dating.
I met Al when he came to Iraq during my first deployment, toward the end of 2005. I went to lunch with the group he was with, and got more hugs from him than I would have expected.
Nothing about any of this surprised me. I really wish men would listen to what people are telling them and re-evaluate, and offer sincere…
I starred you because you lay out great arguments.
You’re right, they are absolutely batshit. What a batshit idea to not want to give over 4.5 billion dollars to ICE and DHS for the expansion of torture camps for kids. What an absolutely batshit notion that we can just throw billions upon billions at a campaign of xenophobia, but we have to cut our own services to…
Mitch McConnell understands power. Nancy Pelosi does not. If she did the House would be so far up Trump’s asshole with an impeachment inquiry they’d be subpoenaing his massive prostate.
Aside from creating the caucus, the most potent answer lies in this awesome article: https://theintercept.com/2019/07/11/new-york-state-progressive-democrat-primaries/
What strikes me about that Trump quote is that, in his circle, it would be assumed the men’s sexual partners were young. No middle-aged-or-older guy in that circle is bragging about sleeping with a girlfriend older than, say, 29, no matter how beautiful she might be.
Rep Pressley and AOC just came back with the checkmate - Drumpf just opened three new facilities to pay off his friends with the money Congress just gave them that the Progressive Caucus didn’t want to give them.
“Distraction Becky” has a real ring to it.
You’ve seen them before.
I know it won’t alleviate the fear, and confusion and anger of strangers reaching for your kid. But my 2 year old nephew seems to be getting some of that get back for you as he is a ninja seeking out a bag of chips and sticking his hand inside to help himself to another’s snack.
By now, it’s no secret that we’re serious admirers of Tarana Burke. Aside from birthing the #MeToo movement to help…
Push it. Push it. Push it. Now celebrate!