#NeverForget #EyeOnThePrize
#NeverForget #EyeOnThePrize
PRECISELY—-he threw gay men under the bus by basically endorsing the completely fictitious assertion that there is some relationship between being gay and pedophilia (of course he did the same thing with transgender people on Maher).
What is the line of decency in the era of Donald Trump? Republicans and conservatives now regularly and shamelessly…
Y’all’s president is one vacationing-ass bitch. It hasn’t even been a smooth full month into Tropicana Jong-il’s…
It’s even creepier than that. I’m sure Uber has some sort of HR policy on outside work communications being held through back channels that aren’t approved through HR. This HR flunkie, instead of looking into her complaints, was instead looking for violations that Fowler could be written up for.
A former Uber engineer has posted a hell of an account about her nightmarish time working for the company. There’s…
Their beef is legitimate insofar as the media are now Trump’s enemy, and CNN is making a go ($) of this whole “news” thing for once. Clinton is gone. Obama is gone. He needs a simple scapegoat with which to continue his persecution trope to the low-info talk-radio crowd, and he doesn’t want to draw attention to any…
I’ve been rolling around in the greys for months angrily yelling at every article that has covered autism and/or vaccines. I’m tired.
The saddest thing about this is that there are people like us who think this was a total shit show and the President was an idiot AGAIN. But there are people out there who will think this was great. That the President can’t be racist! He’s shaking hands with a Jew....not just anyone, but THE JEWISH guy. And that the…
As the last few weeks have demonstrated, good journalism requires good sources. The election of Donald Trump,…
I’m particularly amused by the fact that if the WH and Puzder had their acts together, filed his paperwork in a timely manner, and gotten his hearing rushed through as originally planned, they could have avoided most of this. Thank god for bureaucrats who got scared when people got mad that most of these nominees…
I read this morning that WaPo is hiring 60 more journalists! As soon as I get paid next week I’m subscribing to help support their efforts.
It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.
Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
So, what exactly are the grounds for impeachment when getting a bj from an intern was almost a valid reason and lying and cheating and conflicts of interest and maybe treason arent?
How disgusting is it that the President of the United States is trying to pull off this long discredited Dale Carnegie bullshit on other actual world leaders?
not as awesome as he sounds. especially not lately...
That Law Enforcement Memorial Fund report is a good read and a fascinating look into their mentality.
But honest question, what are we going to do about it? What are the next steps here? I feel like we are shouting into a void about federal law and ethics and its making me very tired.
How the fuck did this guy get a job at Berkeley?