
Do you think that the Government of Saudi Arabia is donating to the Clinton Foundation to support women’s rights? Of course not. The issue is not whether or not the Foundation is well run. The issue is the Foundation allows the Clinton’s to wield political power when they are not in office, the greater the size of the

Wheres HamNo been? Has he been handed over to Hulk Hogan as a bond pending resolution of the lawsuit? (Also where has Tom Scocca landed?)

God help us! The one thing I look forward too every football season is Tony Romo collapsing in pain and the Cowboys season falling in on him. There is nothing more insufferable than the Cowboys bandwagon.

Don’t the Clintons run a non-profit? So it’s ok for a sitting secretary of state who has more power/control over policy than a senator to run a nonprofit but not a senator? Can someone explain?

I love Lake Placid, but Lake Placid had trouble hosting the games in 1980 and the old athletes village is now a federal prison. The closest airport is Albany which is a little over two hours away and has very few direct flights to anywhere. Montreal is about 2.5 hours away, but anyone flying into Montreal would have

I’m not an expert, but I think opioids are synthetic manufactured in a lab (pharmecuticals) and don’t require a poppy plant base. Opiates on the other hand are natural and are derived from the poppy plant (heroin).

To add onto my initial post. Prior to 1960 Turkey was the leading producer of heroin worldwide. In the

I think you are absolutely correct that the drug companies and some doctors are complicit in this. There needs to be a conversation in this country about pain and how it is treated. These pills are far too readily available. There are now pills to treat opioid induced constipation, I think there was even a Superbowl

I feel for you! I hope that your sister is able to come around and see the love you have for her. It’s so hard that a person you love so much can hurt you so bad. My brother has definitly been using for 5 years, likely longer, you forget the person they were before the addiction (I can’t imagine 13 years; sincerely my

We’re in NY as well (Albany area). I had a number of friends go down similar paths as my brother, some have recovered others didn’t make it. This experience allowed me to see the path my brother was headed down.

It is an unbelievably hard thing to go through. One of the hardest parts was convincing my parents that he

Tangentially related to the Doc Gooden situation: Drug Rehabilitation in this country is a disgrace. My brother developed an addiction through the all to common pain killer to heroin route. He lost his job and through a very long and painful process finally made it apparent to him that he had a problem and needed to

I posted this yesterday, but it seems to make even more likely today. My guess is that Lochte and co. were done with all their events. They were out partying and asked the cab driver where they could go get some drugs. They were shaken down by Rio police, not robbed by thugs acting as police. The Rio police took

I have a guess. Maybe with no more events, Lochte and co. were looking for/had drugs and were shaken down by real police, not robbed by thugs acting as police. Many times police will confiscate drugs/cash without arresting someone, especially with the dire straits Rio is currently in (police were not receiving regular

The cab that picked them up may not have been the cab that dropped them off, especially if the cab driver was in on it. Here is a scenario:

Cab driver picks them up and drives them to get mugged, the“Police” stop the cab and order the passengers out. Once the passengers are out of the cab, the cab driver speeds off. If

Did anyone catch Hillary at the Democratic Convention last night? They cut some intro video for her of all the former male presidents followed by breaking glass; I instinctively looked up expecting to see the Texas Rattlesnake slugging Steve-weisers and dropping delegates with stunners

I absolutely agree, despite the best intentions of the OP the best advise for most people (99% of us) is to invest in a low fee index tracking fund and periodically rebalance. Following the advise in this article will have people playing ‘what-ifs’ in retirement, “What-if I didn’t invest in that hedge fund that ate up

Rather than narrow the uprights, how about under-inflating the balls?

I think the best comparison is probably WWE, in that they both have a similar revenue structure (network TV and PPV). WWE now has a subscription service which skews their numbers somewhat lower, but they average about 100,000 PPV buys for 12 PPV events per year (ranged from 60,000 to 300,000 for Wrestlemania). in 2015

What is appropriate? John Lennon by many accounts was an awful person; an admitted domestic abuser and a terrible father. Every time I walk through Central Park there are people assembled at Strawberry Fields deifying the man because he sang about peace. It disgusts me every time to witness this, but should I stop

(BTW, love your screen name. Bought my first car at Big Bill Hell’s, only way I could afford it was courtesy of the ole ‘Challenge Piss’. A little pressure on my diaphragm, a kidney stone partially blocking my urethra and boom, no down payment!)

I think Simmons views himself as a Howard Stern type figure. Howard was always at war with the FCC (and in turn his network) over what he could and couldn’t say. They both (to varying degrees) changed the medium within which they work (Howard radio/Simmons sports-writing). Whereas with Howard, his fights with the