
this was the most vapid post i've ever read on Jezebel. I will no longer read any of Lindsay's updates...ever.

"fat festish". she is not fat!

"use science to argue that men have a natural and unavoidable imperative to spread their seed..."

WHAT ABOUT THE ADULT CHILDREN? I haven't spoken to my father in almost 16 years. One day he was just no longer around. My parents divorced when i was three years old, and most sundays til I was 7 my dad would come, take me to mass, AA brunch, and then Toys R Us. Then I would see him every once in a while til i was 10.

What a bunch of poseurs in this band. This is a record company's definition of wht a "band" looks like. lots of guys in pixie haircuts and tight pants. also, you're not in high school, stop singing about bleachers and cheerleaders. #saturdaynightlive

great article, thanks for the info!

not plus sized.

HOW THE HELL IS THAT PLUS SIZED. what they are 8-10 not 0-2? not ONE of those girls was a XXL. Not ONE of those girls could shop at Layne Bryant or Avenue. At most, they have to get a Large at Gap. NOT PLUS SIZE. calling this a 'naked fat girl extravaganza' is a complete insult to these healthy and hot women.

or maybe just a little 'anna sui for target'. actually i hope some of these become target knock offs. i love the sleeving

i love the Sui but this all looks a little costume-y, no?

i want to take a bite out of beyonce's thighs. im not huge on that song but damn she's juicy!

what a fucking bitch.

I am not a fan of Selma blair, but the fact that she has a Shiba Inu sweetens her up a little bit. Go Shibas!

supposed to read

"Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness"

don't say 'eat out'.

hello, its called PLANNED PARENTHOOD.