“Triple unthreat”
“Triple unthreat”
Ray J was also supposed to be one of the last people to see Whitney alive. How does he keep popping up at famous crime scenes? Seriously, somebody needs to get on this.
Compared to Josh, Chris Brown would be a good choice. (And we come full circle!)
Compared to Josh, nick seems amazing.
I hope there are embarrassing drugs there. Like whippets, or herbal viagra. Come on. The list’d better be hilarious.
Yes! He definitely has improved on Bachelor in Paradise but was hated on both the seasons of the bachelorette he was on. This is a surprising decision from ABC but i bet it will help ratings.
I assumed it would be Luke. I never watched this guy on the Bachelorette, but I hear he had a bad reputation. I now understand why he has gotten such a sympathetic edit this summer, but I must admit it has worked on me. I’m all about it. And Wells is very cute and I would definitely hit it, but I don’t know if he’s…
What a piece of shit. And fuck every single person who ever said that he'd paid his debt to society or whatever and it was unfair to continue to characterize him as a violent abuser.
(i am still so cross with princess zendaya for doing that song w him)
Aw thanks! Yesterday was the first day of school, and my oldest was making a joke of reading me the page long list of things the choir teacher is asking parents to volunteer for. Even now, after years of this, I felt a little loser-ish.
Because we truly do not give a FUCK about family in this country. It is just a nice pulpit for the bible thumpers and old white men who think they know better.
I think that’s different. That seems 100% legitimate because, duh, abuse. Even if a domestic abuser doesn’t hit their kids, it isn’t a healthy environment to be in.
I was talking with a friend of mine recently (our sons were friends first, through school) and she told me another friend of hers has a daughter, 9 years old, who BEGGED her mother to wear yoga/exercise clothes to drop her off at school in the mornings. Now this mother works and so does not spend her mornings in…
If she had cut Weiner out of their child’s life, Trump and his minions would be ready to pounce on her for that too, calling her her a militant feminist who hates dads.
This reminds me of a professor once complaining that her husband asked her “if he needed to babysit the kids” to which she replied “you mean watch the kids you helped spawn?”
Even though my mom stayed home with us until I was 10 years old and even then she only worked three nights a week we still had a village (the parents on our block) to help care for the 50 kids that lived on the street in the late 70s and early 80s.
This is so true. I share custody with my son’s dad (side note: he is a really great dad, this is not in any way a complaint about him), and people are always so impressed with him for sharing custody and actually wanting to spend time with his child. Meanwhile, no one has ever suggested I’m a good mom for sharing…
THIS. It is like when people talk about a dad “babysitting” his children (which I hear people say a lot). NO - it is not babysitting when it is your own child. It is insulting to both genders - insulting to women that if they leave a child with the father they are “abandoning” their child . . . AND insulting to men…
I returned to work six weeks ago and my husband is staying home with our son. It’s allowed me a lot of piece of mind in going back as my kid is with someone who knows his routines and idiosyncrasies already so I didn’t have the pressure of going back coupled with the pressure of introducing him to a new environment,…
Awesome. I don’t know if I feel guilty as much as I feel surprised that people think I was supposed to be uber homemaker mom in order to fit in.