>>>>”ABC’s newly appointed head of entertainment, Channing Dunney, ...,.......admitted she has watched UnREAL (unlike Bachelor host Chris Harrison).”
>>>>”ABC’s newly appointed head of entertainment, Channing Dunney, ...,.......admitted she has watched UnREAL (unlike Bachelor host Chris Harrison).”
Every time Quinn throws a dig at the host I lose it and laugh convulsively.
*starring* for the audible guffaw I just emitted reading that, but tape one for life!
My VHS set came with a poster of that scene that I hung “hidden” in my 10 y/o closet. Loved Leo for at least five years after that and will forever love Kate’s bewbs<3
So Jeremy is a murderer correct? And they all just stare up at the stars. WTF!? He beat you Rachel, conspired with your mom and now killed two people. The man is dangerously unhinged. I could accept an “accident” tying up those strings but a murder was like come the hell on UnReal. Are you going to gloss over this…
Which one had the boobies?
I saw a post from someone who stayed in my small, shit ass town. It was a photo of a stupid hand gesture they’ve been doing since high school that happened to show off their left hands and it was “We love each other so much blah blah blah blah blah AND NOW WE’RE ALL MAAAAAAARIIIIIEEEEEEEDDDDD WITH WEDDING RINGS YALL!”
I fully plan on doing this with my thesis too! If a baby takes 9 months to gestate and this stupid document takes 6-7 years (pray for me) you’re damn right I’m going to celebrate it publicly. I also don’t plan to have human babies so this thesis baby is it for me.
Okay so which of you is going to offer me a job so I can have my moment every little girl dreams of?!
I’m currently in the process of job hunting right now too and it is rough. It wouldn’t be so bad if (1) I wasn’t trying to relocate from DC to FL, and (2) I’m basically only qualified to work at a museum.
Well, not all professions can be completely humorless and boring.
Really? I’d be thrilled by her creativity, drive, and commitment. Her office personality is probably pretty fun too.
Fun Fact: My dad bought me this VHS set to bribe me to finish the season on the volleyball team. I fucking hated volleyball but I made it through. Anything for Titanic.
Tape two. That’s when the ship sinks which is the only interesting part of the movie, unless you enjoy watching the cleanest poor ever show off his pre-Internet Deviant Art account to a hot rich chick.
The one with the sex!
I love how he absolutely never phoned it in on SNL. No matter how small his part in a skit, he gave it his all. In my opinion, he should be just as famous/successful as Will Ferrell. At least he doesn’t have to worry about money because his wife’s sitcom being in syndication is a very steady paycheck.
Honestly I think Taran has outgrown the show anyways so it will be better for his career to move on. SNL is crazy for letting him go though.
I think he’s great as both a comedian and a more serious actor. He really is very versatile and seems like a delightful person in real life.