
No but it definitely smooths out a lot of the hurdles one goes through when trying to maintain a balance. I had an acquaintance in college who still talks about what a fucking obstacle it is to get her meds, get them up to dated, reserve a date with a doctor when you feel the meds you’ve adjusted for the 12th time

As someone who has both serious mental health issues and serious financial issues, I feel the need to point out here that sure, being able to afford primo help is presumably better than trying to slog it out on your own, unassisted by professionals but it’s not as easy as hiring a housecleaner - presto! clean house!

Yes I was totally Team Ariana at first. But I think maybe I mistook her utter and complete misery as dry wit/sarcasm? She really is the most Debby Downerest person in the room. I still prefer her to Katie or Scheana(who I detest!)

i just wrote this above but: rewatching the whole season and it’s hilarious how she prides herself so much on her intelligence and ‘comedy’ but that standup journal reading she and tom did???? not funny, and the journal was from college because she’s talking about RA’s and she sounded dumb and ignorant. really thought

YES! I liked Ariana at first because she seemed grounded and not into the drama but she has this self-important attitude about herself, like she’s better than everyone. And her whole offense that Kristin tried comedy because she’s been doing comedy for years and IT’S HER THING. I looked her up on IMDB- her credits are

Related/unrelated question. Is anyone else somewhat annoyed at Bravo/Andy Cohen constantly asking the women if they have “taken a dip in the lady pond”? Sure, I like that we are being sex-positive and all, but it seems to be entirely for the pleasure of men/shock value. He isn’t asking the guys if they have slept with

IDK, but I kind of laughed when Shay said that he was taking “5-6 Vicodin a day” and they all gasped like that was some sort of a huge addiction problem.

The really fun reunion would be in ten years when they’re all broke, fat, divorced, sad and living in studio apartments somewhere way out of LA. They are all profoundly stupid people with no sense of reality and no talent. As their intro song say, these are the best days of their lives.

Scheana testified on Ken and Lisa’s behalf in that actual harassment lawsuit that was brought against them personally and one of their restaurants.


I say this every time I drink Pinot Grigio, despite the fact that 99% of the people I know don't get it.

Also, I read somewhere that Stassi explicitly begged Lisa not to pay off her ex boyfriend over the whole “sex tape” thing because she KNEW Lisa would lord it over her for the rest of her life, and Lisa did it anyway, and lo and behold, every other thing out of her duck mouth is about how Stassi “owes her” I also do

She is super annoying and I wish she was not at the reunion. It’s like having a parent at a high school house party. I also hate how she pretends to be above the bullshit, but then loves to get down in the muck with Stassi and Kristen. Either you are in the shit or you are out. Make up your mind.

Sandoval might be the whiniest whiner ever to whine.

Kristen will always have my heart for the pure insanity that went down in season two. The fact that she anticipated Stassi would steal her phone and TEXT JAX FROM IT as Kristen and went ahead and made a plan to counteract that is level evil genius. I love her.

The ponies are on horse

They are SO sanctimonious. And their hyper-inflated sense(s) of importance is extraordinarily irksome.

I hate saying this but Kristen looks amazing. Her skin is like butter and her makeup is always tasteful.

It could have been worse. She could have been mint green.

Came here to say that I am 150% over Ariana and Sandoval. I never liked her anyway but they framed her as the fun-loving other woman to Kristen’s paranoid girlfriend. I’ve always been team Kristen and I am glad that she’s living her best life while Ariana and Sandoval do nothing but scowl and throw fits, as seen last