
At 10 years old this vhs brought me into FULL blown horny tweenhood. Oh, sweet, romantic, steamy, sensual tape one. Tape two gave me anxiety with the drowning and whatnot so I only watched it the first time around. But TAPE ONE whew! It was the same time my parents separated and I became a part time latchkey kid who

bahahahhahahhaha omg i really needed a laugh today. as a black curlyhead with a white mother (nordic, very very fine hair) even she knew better than to break up the curls like that (and this was before the internet). props to the model, that stylist needs to look inwards, but i desperately needed that laugh.

ugh so gross. makes me TRULY hate kris, kaitlyn and the sisters and wish kylie was still under 18 so I could call cps. They were totally hooking up long before that and the family was ok with it. when they came out as a couple they were all like, “it makes sense because they’ve been friends for so long.” dude, that’s

this. how am I supposed to overcome the aforementioned anti-depressant curse and my exhausting day and everything I’ve learned from law&order SVU to go meet some stranger and make exhausting small talk (I’m also sober, mind you) when I could come home to tv and THIS face:

exactly! supreme court implications alone, this is a no brainer.

SO.JEALOUS. just wrote this elsewhere but I’m so glad that tweet reminded me of that book after hearing my baby cousin talk vaguely but passionately about wanting to be a civil rights lawyer so I sent it to her as an ibook just now because basically... I’m an agent of change for the next generation? kidding, but it

Maybe it was. I’m a cynic sometimes too especially with this particular flavor of trigger. But it did remind me about his amazing book a couple of weeks after meeting my very sweet, smart, but very white/sheltered Minnesotan 14 year old cousin who told me her dream was to be a “civil rights lawyer for people who

Getting SO sick of people who have such a convoluted sense of “principles” that keep talking shit about not voting or voting third party because they “care” so much for what Bernie stands for. UM IM SORRY BUT the supreme court nominations alone make this a NO BRAINER. What is it exactly that they think he stands for?

BUT UGH POOR JANA! I think the new #saveaduggar campaign needs to be for her and the cute lil baby butch and jeremiah? thoughts?

he’s actually really hot... some former soccer player? he’s 29 to her 22 but he’s super fuckable and I’m actually kind of excited for her? At least she’s getting out of that house/doesn’t have to raise her parents other kids anymore. fingers crossed she goes to school like she dreamed before baby time!?

you guys all I want to talk about is jinger duggar’s engagement with you. thoughts??? #freejinger

Why do these innocent kids’ pictures have to be linked to this forever online because of some adults’ behavior? I don’t know why this really bothers me but it does.

her dad stuck up for her after her german girlfriend’s dad caught them together. He stood up for her/also stopped her from possibly shooting the gf’s dad? so I think he’d be much more chill about weed

I can never tell in junk pics like this if it’s highlighting the twig or the berries. Actually all clothed junk pics.... can someone help me? Like, what is hanging where? To me ‘adam’ looks like he has no twig and some big ol symmetrical berries.

She had possibly my favorite sketch on the most recent episode and I hope you guys post it. It was called Girl Vision and is possibly the best visual explication Ive ever seen of the importance of intersectional feminism :)

thanks. ugh, I needed that.

this is so true and perfectly worded and I agree. But I also have so many... feels... about this election. I know this is only slightly different, but the sadness and anxiety and embarassment I’ve experienced over this primary season has me considering the ex-pat life no matter what the outcome. I know that Hillary or

I loved this movie!!! no one I know has seen it:( I’d really like something like this doc but about teens in DC (where I’m from). or basically any other major city besides LA or nyc. oooh miami would be good too.

my couch is cool looking and vintage but NOT comfy but I’ve been with kimmy and titus all day and it’s moulding to my bod and this season is great and pizza and dog. how are you liking it?? i can’t wait for jezebel to address how they addressed the racist/asian/native american stuff from last season! so happy with it.

I’ve taken several years off of dating seriously to, ugh, ‘find myself’, and I’m now 28 and ready to date and possibly be in a relationship maybe if I find the right thing? BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW I CAN COMPROMISE ON MY TV TIME LIKE I USED TO. I feel like I sound like one of those soap opera obsessed women who has to