
I guess they’ll have to ban me as well. I’ve been e-ranting about this for over a decade. I had this great prof back in the day (Birute Galdikas). She’s like the Jane Goodall of orangutans. There is some bad shit going on over there and I’ll trust her judgment considering she devotes her life to rehabilitating the

I never thought I’d say this - go Leo. Check ingredients. There’s no need to keep using palm oil as ubiquitously as corn syrup. Harvesting it destroys so much habitat.


Whoooooa. Spelling aside, Mississauga is nooooothing like Mississippi. Until Mississippi steps up their hakka/dosa game I’m not buying it.

But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.

I rather like uncircumcised peens. And a good percentage of the guys I know that are circumcised wish they weren’t. For me sex feels different with uncircumcised penises(it feels better!) I think that most women who are turned off by uncircumcised penises have never experienced one.
Ladies need to stop shaming intact

literally no one I know has used Tidal

No. They’re not. A lot of (American) women are super, super weird about foreskins and it makes no sense to me. My first serious boyfriend in high school was uncut, as is my current partner, and it is really just...not a big deal at all.

Oh noes! Embarrassing things happening to boorish people. How will the republic survive?

This was a GG-backed hit job on a woman they had labeled a SJW. While trying to use an academic paper she wrote about Japanese cultural values as a cover for their misogyny and hatred.

When you grow up and become self aware you’re really going to hate the person you were. SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHANGES MADE TO THE GAME.

She may not have had anything to do with these decisions, but she’s a woman and a feminist, and therefore a prime target for GamerGate’s wrath.

Except for the part where she had nothing to do with the censorship.

Who the fuck said anything about “triggering elements”?

Oh yeah you are totally right. Nintendo is only responsible when things go great.

Yes, dismissing a PR employee who had nothing to do with localizing games. Brilliant.

Even if you don’t like those things, she had nothing to do with them. She did no work on FE:F. Which you’d know if you’d bothered to even read the article.

So Nintendo did absolutely nothing? Just fire her when things went for the worse for this poor woman..

Bizarrely self-obsessed, vain and pretentious as only a French male can be. I wonder who his ‘writing partner’ is - I have never heard of such a construction, and I’ve been a freelance writer for 20 years.

shes like natalie portman in the sense that i can’t stand her but have no real legitimate reason why