
Hmmmmmmmm. I’m skeptical, but I would definitely try some. I do like caramel!

Is the disaster the terrible cake to icing ratio?
Wait...I take it back...did you serve the extra icing in bowls to those who wanted it? Because that would be my dream cake!!
(I’m kidding, you do you, you very crazy people)

I would be soooooo sad. I hate apple pie so much. Any other pie is fantastic, but mushy watery crunchy weirdness? just no.

If he has broken english, he should sound like an actual foreigner. His accent is one step up from YOU RIKEE FLIED LICE? Seriously. That’s not how immigrants sound. That’s not how most immigrants want to be portrayed. Don’t you think there’s enough asian stereotypes all over the tv at the moment?

As a redhead, this is THE most annoying thing people do. OMG you have similar hair to (insert celebrity here)! YOU ARE HER TWIN.
The list of celebrities I’ve been told I am twin to: Julianne Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Donna from That 70s show, Nicole Kidman, Amy Adams, the girl from Six Feet Under, Whatsherboobs from

My cat went crazy for an old wig. Loved to murder that thing.

Yes! You haven’t tried latex yet, which is also a new trend!

She must be ketoing or in Atkins phase I. I do that, but girlfriend is going to not be able to shit and will get massive headaches unless she starts eating shitloads of greens and takes care of her potassium/magnesium/salt/fluids like she is supposed to.... Also, strawberries are 5% fruits, she can totally eat those!!

“Sorry, I’m from Canada, and sometimes I have a hard time understanding your Australian accents! Would you mind spelling it out for me?”
Everyone always has a great time, ESPECIALLY if they’re clearly not native English speakers, and I imply it’s because they just sound to goshdarn Aussie. Fat tips right there.

That would change the case then, and make everything we’re arguing about irrelevant.

Great example!

She is a very successful model. Now you know. Of course, you could have just googled. The woman has THREE MILLION twitter followers. She has 6.7 million followers on Instagram. They know who she is and what she does. She’s a successful model and has many endorsements that she shills there. Do you know how endorsements

Ok, so I’m assuming that it has to do with how a lot of people take a depiction or account of sexual violence, which is meant for other purposes, such as education, healing, information, art, etc. and turns it into what it’s not meant for: tittilation? Also, complicity in rape culture, I’m guessing. So if you’re there

How was I to know? I thought it was something japanese! ;p

Please don’t try to trick queer ladies and then “drop the boyfriend bomb” on them. That’s a jerk move.

could you tell me where you learned that term/ Im googling it and coming up with nothing.

I was about to comment the same! I think you could have picked a better Marion pic, though, I thought that was K stew!

This is exactly how it works.

If he were nice, this would be a bitch comment. He looks like a gigantic foreskin, especially now, but really, he always has. Say no to the giant walking foreskin.

screw your cisnormative beauty standards!!