
Very cool, I felt it was better than the Gymkhanas since he actually hit something. Showing it was probably one take... Plus RWD > AWD (in terms of sideways)

I lold. I often browse the f7u12 forum so this gave me the giggles. I've even made a couple comics myself!

I've been following Speehunters coverage of Gatebil, I really like what I see. It is such a diverse and cool event!

And not to the people who really try hard to get them.

Yeah I hate them too, but my aunt forced me to watch it when I was nine and it was brand new... I didn't sleep for awhile.

Shit, you beat me to it... I mentioned it above too. Darn you tabs that I leave open and forget about!

Jeepers Creepers. Had me nightmaring for weeks.

Now playing

Sounds like someone took a chapter from the "dirty ladies" in Gone in 60 Seconds. Skip to 1:18.36

I like Russia.

Well now I'm just confused. And it's an auto? CP.


Those headlights... they remind me of these eyes.

Where's the Lambo, dude?

I prefer my Rolls-Royce, more ladies more fun.

What you did there, I see it. By the way, I'm loving the addition to your name.

I can totally vouch for the Dallas North Tollway suggestion, this is where I always see Scuds and Carrera GTs battling it out. It's a fun highway too. Just the other day I got passed by a Hennessey Velociraptor 475 doing at least 120. I nearly shat seeing that thing coming at me in the mirror..

Same here, luckily AutoClog spoiled it first and I watched the video of the lap before coming here. But really, maybe a little warning next time guys.

More like did people enter their Lightnings in LeMans? And then get pissed when they overcooked it on an apex and took out a retaining wall, then bitch and moan that the truck is too breakable and doesn't live up to promises.