Caracticus Thirdaisi

But maybe you don’t need all those fancy cameras, and you’d rather not drop some extra cash on a stylus that used to be included. The Galaxy S21 and S21 Ultra, according to WinFuture,”

But maybe you don’t need all those fancy cameras, and you’d rather not drop some extra cash on a stylus that used


The first thing right-wing tools say after telling other people how to live is “don’t tell me how to live!”

Yes, I’m suprised this article didn’t mention one simple thing: the family he married into has a EXTREMELY VOCAL anti-Trump patriarch, an EXTREMELY Independent matriarch (who’s a KENNEDY for pete’s sake!) and I get absolutely no inkling that Katherine fell too far from those two trees. Political differences didn’t

I have a problem with it: the ‘decent’ folk that believe in an omnipotent supernatural immortal invisible ghost that cares what every human that ever lived did with their genitals minute by minute puts the violent religious puke bags in the column of “misunderstanding god’s word”, not “crazy”.

Because if you’re an

He’s so handsome, though! What else could possibly matter?

which is the correct thing to say to these self-righteous dbags that stick to their “principles” and virtue-signalling while real people suffer.

CHILDREN IN CAGES for effs sake! Get off your effing high-horse you Bernie Bros and your head out of your a** while you’re at it. Scum.

...which is why I still feel kind of angry that Obama squandered his first 2 years with the majorities to get s*it done trying to be “bipartisan”. Should have rammed public health care through and got all that other s*it done too.

There’s plenty to criticize McConnell for without resorting to possibly-ageist neck waddle jokes. Stick to his horrible personality and total lack of ethics and scruples and throw in a bit of his having a terrible sense of humor oh, and you can certainly suggest that history books will not be kind to him either.

Newton Gingrich?

Or elect one president?

Ok, I’ll just come right out and say it: a large portion of the american ELECTORATE sucks. Stupid, lazy, fearful, ignorant.... just.... sucks.

@JKRowling seems contradictorily concerned with MtF transgender women calling themselves “women” and FtM transgender men being “a thing” at all. Not one iota of “sometimes, gender reassignment IS the right answer” just “DON’T CALL MtF TRANSGENDER PERSONS ‘WOMEN’ THAT’S EXCLUSIVELY A CHROMOSOME THING!!!!!!” all block

Thoughts and Prayers never stopped anything horrible happening except stopping the people doing the thoughts and prayers from doing and saying horrible stuff for the period of time they’re thinking and praying.

Well, go figure.

Not all heroes wear capes something something :-)

I do this occasionally too, but I don’t have the ‘courage’ (or patience) to set up a VM for them to actually mess around in. I only end up wasting about 15 minutes of their time, but good on Kitboga for figuring out how to make a living at it.

Nevermind playing the literal son of satan in Damien: Omen III, as an adult, a politician with designs on bring about the apocalypse. Hey, life imitates art!

supremely underrated original compositions”

Truer words were never spoken or typed.

I like to think that his decline in popularity was directly the result of the insults he directed at atheists. It’s probably not that, but because he’s a jerk in many other ways... but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I don’t use the “gig economy” on principle. This kind of shit is just one of the problems with it: enriching a couple of amoral unethical assholes exploiting a desperate UNVETTED workforce: it’s rotten to the core. Just don’t do it.

Woah, TIME OUT! He’s just backing away from “Blexit” or whatever it was... not all the other crap!