
I don’t think its too late but its getting to the cutoff point soon. I was crazy conservative/libertarian in my early/mid-20s and have done a complete 180 since the last presidential elections. I’m 27 now so there’s still hope for your bf. He just has to start seeing how crazy and awful his current views are.

ah i just put my story of the exact same thing except i was older and my teacher totally called me out

I’ve told a lot of lies in my life - mostly to my parents like that I was going to all my college classes when I was actually skipping them, or that I saved the 10k I got from my car insurance for an accident when I actually spent all of it very quickly. I’ve eventually gotten caught with most of them. My favorite was

Nothing too scary has ever happened to me but this is my absolute favorite thread every year. Last year I spent about 5-6 hours 3-4 days straight reading stories for the past few years. I absolutely hate scary movies but I will spend forever reading scary stories.

I was almost late to work this morning because I started watching this segment and didn’t want to stop in the middle. John Oliver should do informational videos for every topic. The world would be a smarter place.

i have something similar. Don’t remember whats its called but my doctor basically told me I had little bumps in my eyelids caused by wearing my contacts for too long. Made me switch to dailies or he said he wouldn’t let me wear contacts anymore. Dailies have been awesome just expensive but i never wear them for more

Not a doctor but a nurse and not about me but just a story I was told. My friend has been a nurse for a few years now and I like gross stuff so I always ask her for weird/gross stories. She decided to tell me this one: She has a patient who has been in the hospital for a few days and now needs a catheter. No big deal,

The only reason I try to eat 5-6 meals a day is simply because I get full very quickly so it’s hard to get all my calories in with just 3 meals as I just can’t finish that much in 3 meals. But I get hungry again in a couple hours so I can eat the same amount again

All the safeways in Arizona just took out their self checkouts and let me tell you it has been a fucking nightmare. They basically took away 4 checkout lanes but only added one regular one. Now there are always lines and it’s the worst. I used to work in the grocery biz so self checkout was amazing. I miss those

They’re in charge of candidates protection as well. They went after the rapper YG when he released his “FDT” song (Fuck Donald Trump) because they said it was a possible threat. The lyrics ended up being changed in the version that was released on his album. So I’d imagine the secret service would take this game as a

Please tell me that voicemail recording is a joke. Why would that be his message? Trump is now the reason he’s even more reviled and why he got suspended

On the week Brady came back too. Everyone knew Brady was going to use this game to make a statement. The browns are the unluckiest team in sports history.

Fair enough. But I think the fact that the original cartoon versions have large cult followings will lead to people seeing the live action no matter who is starring. These two movies weren’t really marketed well to the millennials who practically orgasm anytime a Disney cartoon is even mentioned

True enough. Probably why I was always more into jasmine, meg and mulan

As a straight male I feel comfortable saying that Shang was fine af. Even if he didn’t have much personality during the first movie

Mulan is in my top 3 Disney movies and probably top 10 overall. She’s my background on my work computer right now. So I am very excited to see that Disney is going to take this serious. I feel like casting the correct ethnicities in live action Disney movies might be a good way to have minorities become more hireable

No. Clowns are terrifying. Spiders eat other insects and just hang out. Clowns could be anybody and do anything to anyone. Terrifying

Mulan is in my top 3 favorites and I’m ok with a live action as long as like you said they don’t cast some white person to play the characters. Hopefully they’ll just use Jamie Chung since she’s already been Mulan in Once Upon A Time

My company is sending people to the Philippines for training and I wanted to go so bad but I don’t have the seniority at this point. Some day

One: I agree that we shouldn’t say they should die.