Thanks, I'll Have Another!

>(the class is locked into the gym for the night)

We can grandfather him in.

Honestly it would be both funny and accurate for somebody to say that out loud in the show. Probably Drunk Tyrion.

Oh, Sansa could do that. He's an awkward teenage boy and she's both gorgeous and also more confident and self-assured than ever; she could probably turn him into jelly with the right look. I don't think the show has time for it at this point, but it would be kinda fun to watch Sansa wind Robin around her…little

Need to fill some vacancies at the Bella Union, Cy?

I've been rooting for Davos to hang out with half of the cast already, and we're only three eps in. Davos is bae.

We know that the Lords of the Vale don't like him at all, though, and would take pretty much any excuse to depose him. His hold on the Vale is contingent on his marriage to Lysa Arryn, so Sansa much has him by the balls because she knows that he pushed Lysa Arryn out of the Moon Door, which effectively negates his

Except being the most forgettable thing about an otherwise very memorable presidential primary.

I think Season 4 still works pretty well and actually delivers the moments it was supposed to deliver, but you kinda gotta consider it as the "finale episode" to Seasons 1-3. In fact, the first four seasons work pretty well if taken together as a unit - the show never really recovered its sense of momentum after that.

Preach, friend. The Red Wedding was really what made this show a cultural phenomenon, and they spent three seasons painstakingly building that up for the twist. Now we get a RW-level event seemingly every other episode, but the effect is kind of flat and dull in spite of the action onscreen, because there's minimal

Pretty sure one of the dragons is going to do a double-take and show an unexpected interest in Jon before long, arousing the curiosity of everyone present.

That plus her polite but unmistakeable brush-off when they were walking up from the beach and he tried to chat her up about Naath. Davos is in the running for most #relateable character of the season.

Hope we can squeeze in a scene or two of Jon and Davos bro-ing out. I feel like they would have a lot to talk about.

Kinda wish he had got his half-hand out and waved it around a bunch for emphasis like he did in Braavos. Not because it has any relevance to Jon Snow, but just because.

Things have come to a pretty pass when the AV Club comments are reliably serving up better dialogue than the actual show is.

Honestly I would have loved that.

Na Na Naaa Naaah

pls nerf

When The Hound pissed into the river last season after meeting up with the Brotherhood again, they had to be getting a rise out of the book-readers. :3

Everything you just said sounds a lot more interesting than I think Dragonstone is going to be. Sure, it looks cool, but I don't need more of Dany and her advisors standing around gloomy palace chambers and hemming and hawing for hours on end. Where have the Dothraki been, anyways? They're a big part of her army now,