
Not true, architects usually make lots of neighborhoods. Ted Danson was unique in that he wanted to live in his. He stated in the office scenes architects design neighborhoods then just go on to the next design.

There is no Mindy. All that stuff is made up. They are in Hell all the time every minute. It's all fake.

The Prowler is a black Marvel super hero who just got a new series.

"Love letter to black culture"….beautifully stated

My G is a go to Brooklyn greeting.

I can.

Did they ever specify that the man was a crackhead? Thats an awful specific thing to assume. I'm truly curious why you stated that.

There are men too

Thats not correct. Its been shown that they DO find each other attractive. Lucifer could have slept with her if he wanted. He decided not to… What I'm saying is that the VIEWER can tell there's no chemistry. The writers are under the impression that there is.

Arrow has to be the worst hero ever.
Merlyn wants to blow city up. He blows city up.
Slade wants to ruin Ollie's life. Chops his moms head off in front of him.
Al' Ghul wants Ollie to take over League and marry daughter or die. Ollie gets sword through chest kicked off cliff…then Marries daughter and takes over league.

Yeah he is a horrible person, used to f her sister on the regular…even AFTER he came back from the island, and is self righteous about killing folks even after he was a straight up mass murderer in Season 1.
On top of that he's a terrible superhero. Every major villains plan has been successful to varying degrees. He

It still seems weird that I liked her in Supernatural seeing how much I detest her on this show…oh well now that she's dead brighter days ahead!

I was happy she died. She was terrible. Looked bad in the suit, her fight scenes were trash, and she was useless. The new girl was a better Canary in 5 minutes than Laurel was in two seasons

Cool username. Lucifer talks like that though… I think it's fair to assume they all were in congress.

I'm of the opinion showrunners have to pitch the police procedural crap to get the show greenlit. After the suits aren't looking, they get a chance to do the show they wanted to do initially. I hope this is one of those cases. I believe it is.

That crazy cop was AMAZING though. I think the show did a disservice making him the killer. He was such a good addition to their little Get-A-Long Gang!
I really hope he comes back. He was such a likeable a-hole.

Yeah, I dont think they will end up together. It's like Ichabod and Abbie…zero sparks. The trouble is, the show tries to keep selling sexual tension to us.
We ain't buying it.
Now Maze on the other hand…..

Actually I think he was sleeping with a man earlier on in the season.

You don't understand that your high faulting' morality might not apply after spending two years alone on an empty planet. You must've hit your head when you jumped out the plane.

He didn't even get a ring. He never wanted her, he didn't like her. He doesn't like her. He didn't even want to sleep with her. He wanted her to leave. Did you even watch the show?