
She’s as pretty as Beyoncé. They both have amazing bodies which have plastic surgery but also a lot of hard work in them. She’s not as curvy but her butt is nice. She got her fake boobs young bey got them recently. She even beats bey for hair- love bey but not her wig ponytail. Bey obvsiously beats B for talent. They

I want Obama to go after big food next. Hoping he's saving the best for last

I don’t find that his movies usually paint the older men (lusting after younger women) in a positive light. I haven’t seen the old stuff but starting with match point I simply find his movies very entertaining. I am completely anti child molester and would support legislation for harsh long sentences. Wouldn’t bail

Not sure if you’re joking but no, I think it’s anti trans

Omg thank goodness... Too weird otherwise

Pumps are new too (I think ?)

Agree with all that. Maybe infertility was a trauma of sorts for her and over the years she’s not really become mature like most (maybe I should say some) adults? I’m assuming she married young like around 20. Anyways I feel the issue is very sad.

Hopefully it will be an emotional task only, and they will be in the care of nurses. I hope the Dr asked them about these issues prior to the Ivf (with sensitivity though)

This is in India right? I'm assuming these people are middle class. Domestic help is very accessible and affordable , I am guessing they will have a lot of help

Yes. I think it’s a cultural thing. Not just in Indian cultures but even in some cultures/circles the modern U.S.

Just listened to it- had never heard it before. Nice beats

She has nice hair. Lately more than before

Well except that she was a predecessor for Kim and probably Kim’s moms inspiration for their empire built on the back of a golden shower video.also the simple life may be the inspiration for the real housewives shows ? So she’s kind of forever relevant

What a great idea ! Not that it will necessarily be well done but it seems like a perfect project for her

Thank you for explaining this. Up here in Canada a man (Chinese immigrant , forgot the name) beheaded a young man on the bus and started to eat his head. I believe he avoided jail, and now has day passes from his mental hospital. Glad the states doesn't have the same system, especially since this was a gun crime

Nope— teeth stains

Hey if she's pregnant now how do they even know if it's not her husband's baby? !

Culture has changed too quickly. Christianity used to determine these things for better or worse (nuns, adoption, less sex maybe) now we just have to figure it out. There will be hits and misses

It would be great for all the infertile couples at least. (And that number keeps growing) Also, many women may find this to be the happiest way to say goodbye to their child knowing it will have as good a life as possible. It’s personal what would feel best for each birth mother. But some may like privacy. Not handing

The best solution to all of that is lots and lots of free birth control. Let’s pay people the a reasonable wage to distribute it , creating jobs at the same time. Free IUDS, insertion, pills condoms, consultations about permanent birth control (seems a lot of men could use this) I know adoption is beautiful but it is