Capt Tripps

Why are you so angry about it either way? You don't work here.\

Poison Ivy's just a poor little girl with a dead dad now.

Apparently they are enemies immediately after Bruce's parents die tho, in the comics.

Well he says as much in the episode.

She had a pretty damn good reason, what with all the child abductions and goings on.

The inference was that they all were, in some ways. We see one cop leaving another woman's room when Beth first wakes up.

Because he's clearly been pushing the line criticizing the abusive behavior of some of the cops, and Gorman outright threatens to kill him as soon as an alternative presents itself, a reference to the unconscious doctor.

I think Daryll has the kid who escaped, so I don't think any rescue is forthcoming, that's why he's back at the chapel, they need reinforcements. I figure he got the kid at the same time the cops got Carol. Tho it might still be three eps til the rescue, unless they splice it in with Carol/Beths coup de tat.

You can't rape anyone, that's why it's rape. If someone basically owns you tho, they tend to just do what they want. Which is precisely what happened to female indentured servants, quite regularly.

I think Daryl has the kid that escaped, which will lead to a rescue attempt for Beth and Carol.
Carol probably being captured/rescued while the cops were looking for the kid.

Socialized medicine doesn't force treatment, it provides universal coverage. You still have the right to choose to be helped or not. That right there is where this odd analogy breaks down completely.
It'd be like saying the cop is providing the opportunity to be raped, but only if you want it.

If this is the decade, it'll be because of 2012 and all that insanity. Hollywood jumps on and rides out a trend like nobody's business.

Probably the only place no one was that she could find a sharp instrument, they seem to keep weapons locked up tight.

Well she only had the one wrist…

He seemed pretty obviously a threat to me, I mean he insinuated that both the doctor and Dawn could be replaced, the latter presumably by himself. Ajnd you know, Rapey Mclollipop

Slavery and indentured servitude existed within, and were at one time integral parts of capitalist systems.

You've never heard of a factory town, where workers live in company owned housing, shop at company owned stores, whose kids attended company provided schools and families went to company built churches? Paternal capitalism is definitely a thing.

I mean they are straight up indentured servants, or workers living in factory towns, spending their paychecks at the factory store.

​Only thing I didn't like/drew me out of things, was the
confrontation in the police station, and Zsasz killing the cop. Even
the most corrupt police departments in the most corrupt cities in
history drew the line at one thing - you don't kill cops. It's the one
thing that would draw retaliation, and the gang in

Dean Corll